Walsall Academy is a secondary school located in Bloxwich, Walsall, which has recently undergone an inspection. The overall effectiveness of the school has been rated as requiring improvement, particularly in the quality of education. While the school has strengths in behavior, attitudes, personal development, leadership, and management, there are notable weaknesses in the curriculum design, especially in key stage three. This has resulted in some pupils not achieving their full potential.
The school environment is described as welcoming, with pupils generally getting along well and respecting each other's differences. They feel safe and cared for, and staff are responsive to any behavioral issues. The majority of pupils enjoy their time at school and are motivated to work hard, with leaders aiming for every pupil to become a happy and employable individual equipped with the necessary skills and qualifications for success. However, the curriculum's design has been identified as a barrier to achieving these goals, particularly for students in years seven and eight, who may not develop a secure understanding of their subjects.
Parents and pupils appreciate the wide range of extracurricular activities that enhance personal development and provide cultural experiences. These activities, including expeditions and theatre visits, contribute positively to building resilience and character among students. Despite these strengths, the curriculum lacks clarity in some subjects, leading to variations in achievement between vocational and academic areas. While most teachers effectively use assessments to gauge pupil understanding and provide constructive feedback, the inconsistency in curriculum delivery remains a concern.
Pupils select their GCSE subjects at the end of year eight, which limits their exposure to a broad range of subjects until the end of year nine. This results in gaps in knowledge for subjects not chosen for GCSE, hindering depth of understanding. In contrast, the sixth form offers a high-quality curriculum, with strong subject knowledge from staff contributing to student success. Students receive valuable feedback and often take on mentorship roles for younger pupils.
Leaders have made efforts to support pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring that teachers utilize relevant information to assist these students effectively. Additionally, the school prioritizes mental health training for staff, which benefits pupils. Positive relationships between staff and pupils foster a conducive learning environment, and the implementation of a revised behavior policy has led to a reduction in disruptions and suspensions.
The school places a strong emphasis on personal development, offering a comprehensive curriculum that covers citizenship, relationships, and health education. Pupils have opportunities to learn about cultural diversity and participate in discussions surrounding significant events. Furthermore, the school provides high-quality careers guidance, resulting in a high percentage of pupils progressing to further education, training, or employment.
The governing body is aware of the school's strengths and weaknesses and works collaboratively with leaders to address any issues. Safeguarding measures are effective, with leaders prioritizing the safety and well-being of pupils. Staff receive regular training on safeguarding procedures, and pupils are educated on maintaining their safety in various contexts.
To improve, the school needs to ensure that subject leaders clearly define the knowledge pupils are expected to learn and the sequence in which it should be taught. This will help pupils build on their existing knowledge more effectively. Additionally, leaders should reconsider the curriculum design to ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to gain a comprehensive understanding of all subjects studied in key stage three.