Necton VA Primary School, located in Swaffham, Norfolk, has undergone a recent inspection that has resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good. The inspection took place on November 30 and December 1, 2021, and marked a significant improvement from the previous inspection, which rated the school as requiring improvement. The school serves a smaller-than-average number of pupils, with a total enrollment of 187 students aged between four and eleven years. The headteacher, who has been in position since January 2019, has played a crucial role in stabilizing the school and enhancing the quality of education provided.
Pupils at Necton VA Primary School report feeling happy and safe, with parents echoing these sentiments. The school fosters an environment where pupils understand how to address concerns, including bullying, which is reported to be infrequent. The positive behavior exhibited by pupils reflects the high expectations set by staff, who are described as kind and supportive. The school promotes respect and courtesy among students, contributing to a collaborative learning atmosphere. Pupils appreciate the recognition they receive for their positive behaviors through various reward systems.
The curriculum at Necton VA Primary School is designed to build knowledge and skills progressively. Subject leaders have carefully curated the content to ensure that pupils retain essential information. The curriculum includes vibrant practical opportunities, particularly in music and science, which enhance the learning experience. Additionally, the school places a strong emphasis on reading, with phonics instruction beginning in the early years. This approach has proven effective in developing pupils' reading fluency and confidence.
Support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities is a notable strength of the school. Staff are well-trained to tailor activities and resources to meet individual needs, ensuring that these pupils achieve alongside their peers. The school’s personal, social, and health education curriculum effectively promotes pupils' understanding of health and well-being, encouraging them to express their views through various councils.
While the school demonstrates many strengths, there are areas identified for improvement. In some subjects, teachers' subject knowledge is not as robust, which can hinder the effectiveness of teaching and assessment. This gap in knowledge can lead to pupils not making the progress they are capable of in certain areas. Leaders are encouraged to support staff in enhancing their subject knowledge to ensure the delivery of a high-quality curriculum across all subjects.
The governing body is actively involved in the school's development, providing support and challenge to school leaders. Most staff feel supported in managing their workload and well-being, contributing to a positive working environment. Safeguarding measures are effective, with staff trained to recognize and respond to concerns promptly. The curriculum also includes education on safety and risk management, equipping pupils with the knowledge to navigate potential dangers.
Overall, Necton VA Primary School has made significant strides in improving its educational offerings and creating a supportive environment for pupils. The commitment of the headteacher, staff, and governors to continuous improvement is evident, and with targeted support in specific areas, the school is well-positioned to enhance its effectiveness further. The positive feedback from pupils and parents underscores the school's role in fostering a safe and engaging learning environment.