Djanogly City Academy, located in Nottingham, has undergone significant improvements since its previous inspection, achieving a rating of good across all key areas. The leadership team, including the executive principal and head of school, has demonstrated strong strategic leadership and a commitment to enhancing the educational experience for all pupils. Their philosophy of achievement without excuses has positively influenced the school culture, fostering high aspirations among students. In 2017, pupils made substantial progress in key subjects, including English and mathematics, outperforming national averages and ranking in the top ten percent of schools. Disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs made particularly strong progress, although the most able pupils did not achieve the same level of advancement.
The school has effectively supported pupils who enter with limited English proficiency, enabling them to make rapid progress in language acquisition. Pupils exhibit good conduct, arriving on time and adhering to the school uniform policy. The sixth form has also seen rapid progress, with students well-prepared for future endeavors, whether in employment, education, or training. Teachers maintain high expectations and provide engaging, high-quality resources, particularly in English and mathematics, although some inconsistencies in teaching quality remain across different subjects.
Attendance rates have improved but still fall short of national averages, and while the number of exclusions has decreased, it remains above average. To further enhance the school’s performance, leaders are focused on reducing exclusions and improving attendance. The quality of teaching, learning, and assessment is a priority, with efforts to eliminate remaining inconsistencies and ensure that the most able pupils are consistently challenged.
The governance of the school is strong, with governors actively involved in monitoring progress and holding leaders accountable. They possess a good understanding of the school’s strengths and areas for improvement, particularly regarding attendance and exclusion rates. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with all staff trained to implement rigorous safeguarding systems.
The quality of teaching is characterized by positive relationships between pupils and teachers, with lessons tailored to meet individual learning needs. Teachers demonstrate good subject knowledge and provide clear explanations, fostering an environment conducive to learning. However, there are still areas for improvement, particularly in modern foreign languages, where teaching quality is not as strong.
Pupils’ personal development and welfare are well-supported, with pastoral leaders effectively addressing the diverse needs of the student body. Pupils are educated on safeguarding and health issues, and they report that bullying is rare and dealt with promptly. Careers guidance is developing, with plans for more tailored support in the future.
Overall, Djanogly City Academy has made commendable strides in improving educational outcomes and fostering a positive school environment. The leadership team is committed to continuous improvement, focusing on enhancing attendance, reducing exclusions, and ensuring that all pupils, particularly the most able, achieve their full potential. The school is well-positioned to build on its successes and further enhance the educational experience for its students.