The Rose School, located on Greenock Street in Burnley, Lancashire, has recently undergone an inspection on the 15th and 16th of October 2024. The school has received a commendable rating of good across all key areas, including the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management. This marks a significant improvement from the previous inspection, which rated the school as requiring improvement.
Pupils at The Rose School thrive in a calm and supportive environment. They exhibit good manners and benefit from respectful relationships with staff who demonstrate genuine care for their well-being. The school has implemented a thoughtful transition programme that helps pupils adjust positively to their new surroundings. All students have special educational needs and/or disabilities, and they respond well to the high expectations set by the school, leading to commendable academic achievements.
The school offers a variety of extracurricular activities that foster the development of pupils' talents and interests. These include sports, art, and science clubs, as well as opportunities for pupils to take on leadership roles such as peer mentors and prefects. The school council allows students to contribute positively to school life, exemplified by their involvement in an enterprise project aimed at enhancing the school uniform.
Educational trips to significant locations, such as the Leeds Armoury and Liverpool World Museum, enrich the curriculum and deepen pupils' understanding of their studies. Additionally, residential stays provide outdoor and adventurous activities that help students develop confidence, resilience, and independence.
Governors and school leaders have worked diligently to address areas for improvement identified in the previous inspection. They possess a clear understanding of the school's performance and utilize this information effectively to ensure quality education and care for pupils. The school has designed an ambitious curriculum that covers a broad range of subjects, ensuring that pupils transition successfully at each educational stage. Typically, students achieve a suite of qualifications that prepare them well for future studies or employment.
In most subjects, the essential knowledge that pupils need to acquire is clearly outlined. Staff appreciate the collaborative efforts in curriculum design, which supports their workload and well-being. However, in a few subjects, clarity regarding what should be taught and when is lacking, leading to some activities not fully supporting pupil achievement.
While most staff effectively use their subject knowledge to address misunderstandings, some assessment strategies are still developing. This occasionally results in gaps in knowledge not being addressed promptly, causing some pupils to progress to new learning before they are adequately prepared.
The school accurately identifies the additional needs of pupils with special educational needs and provides the necessary support for successful learning alongside their peers. It has implemented effective reading support, ensuring that all pupils become confident and fluent readers. The school also promotes a broader understanding of the world through diverse reading materials that explore different cultures and histories.
The personal development programme equips pupils for adulthood, teaching them about healthy relationships and self-care. Through outdoor learning opportunities, pupils learn conflict resolution and concentration skills. The school also provides independent careers advice and a comprehensive careers education package.
The safeguarding arrangements at The Rose School are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. However, there are areas for improvement, particularly in addressing knowledge gaps and ensuring clarity in curriculum delivery. Overall, The Rose School demonstrates a commitment to fostering a supportive and enriching educational experience for its pupils.