Woodley Primary School, located in Stockport, Cheshire, has been evaluated positively in its recent inspection, receiving a grade of good across all areas including the quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The inspection took place on 12 and 13 October 2021, and the school has maintained its good standing since the previous inspection in November 2018.
Pupils at Woodley Primary School demonstrate a strong sense of enjoyment in their school experience. They exhibit friendliness and care towards one another, embodying the school’s ‘care values’ which are instilled by the leadership team. The high expectations set by the leaders encourage pupils to strive for their best, fostering a culture of perseverance and resilience. The positive relationships between pupils and staff contribute to a conducive learning environment where good behavior is the norm. Incidents of poor behavior and bullying are rare, and when they do occur, they are managed effectively by the leadership team.
Safety is a priority at Woodley Primary School, with pupils expressing that they feel secure within the school environment. They are educated on maintaining healthy relationships and the importance of physical fitness and nutrition, with many participating in a variety of extracurricular sports clubs. The school is committed to ensuring that all pupils, including those who are disadvantaged or have special educational needs and disabilities, achieve well and are well-prepared for the transition to high school.
The curriculum at Woodley Primary School is broad and ambitious, with leaders having identified key knowledge that pupils are expected to learn across most subjects. The curriculum is designed to build on prior knowledge, particularly in subjects like mathematics and science, where skills and knowledge are carefully sequenced. However, there are some subjects where the curriculum does not fully consider how the key stage one curriculum builds on early years learning, which can hinder effective teaching.
Subject leaders are well-trained and support teachers in delivering the curriculum effectively. Most teachers utilize assessments appropriately to gauge pupils' understanding and retention of prior learning. Nonetheless, in a few subjects, there is a need for improved support to ensure that teachers can effectively check whether pupils have grasped the intended curriculum.
Governors play an active role in the school, providing strong oversight and challenge to school leaders, which helps in identifying areas of strength and those needing improvement. The school has made significant strides in early reading and phonics, with teachers introducing new sounds in a logical manner. However, some younger pupils still struggle with reading fluency, and there are instances where the reading materials provided do not align perfectly with the sounds being taught.
Children in the early years adapt quickly to school life, following rules and engaging enthusiastically in their learning activities. The school ensures that the needs of pupils with special educational needs are identified and met effectively, allowing them to access the curriculum successfully.
The school promotes personal development through a range of activities and responsibilities, encouraging pupils to engage in after-school clubs and take on roles such as school councillors. The school’s links with a school in inner-city Manchester enhance pupils' understanding of diverse backgrounds and cultures, fostering respect and tolerance.
Staff at Woodley Primary School feel valued and supported, with senior leaders taking steps to reduce workloads and provide high-quality training. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with leaders prioritizing the safety and well-being of pupils, ensuring that staff are well-trained to recognize and respond to safeguarding concerns. Overall, Woodley Primary School is a nurturing environment where pupils thrive academically and personally, although there are areas identified for further development to enhance the educational experience.