Clifton Primary School, located in Balsall Heath, Birmingham, has been recognized for its overall effectiveness as a good school following an inspection in May 2019. The leadership and management of the school are deemed good, with the new headteacher providing strong leadership and a clear vision for improvement. The senior leadership team is ambitious for all pupils and focuses on the right priorities to enhance the school's performance. Governors play an effective role in providing strategic direction and support, ensuring that senior leaders are held accountable for their work.
The quality of teaching, learning, and assessment is also rated as good. Teachers demonstrate strong subject knowledge and create engaging lessons that capture pupils' interest. As a result, pupils' progress has improved, particularly in reading, where standards are rising. The school has successfully enhanced mathematics teaching, providing pupils with more opportunities to apply their skills. The curriculum is broad and rich, allowing pupils to develop skills in various subjects beyond English and mathematics, supported by extracurricular activities and educational visits.
Pupils' personal development, behavior, and welfare are good. They enjoy positive relationships with adults, which fosters a conducive learning environment. The school has a strong safeguarding culture, ensuring that pupils feel safe and are taught how to stay safe. Leaders effectively identify and address barriers to learning for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), enabling them to make strong progress. Attendance has improved, and parents express overwhelming support for the school, noting that their children are well cared for.
In early years provision, children make good progress from low starting points, although there are areas for improvement in adult interactions to encourage deeper thinking. The school is committed to continuous improvement, with clear plans to enhance the quality of teaching and learning further. The inspection highlighted the need to ensure that work is consistently well-matched to individual pupils' abilities, promoting greater independence in their learning.
The leadership of early years is strong, with a focus on developing children's speech, language, and communication skills. Phonics teaching is systematic, and additional support is provided to ensure that all children progress. The school environment is well-resourced, promoting independence among children. Links between home and school are effective, with parents actively involved in their children's learning.
Overall, Clifton Primary School is a good school with a clear trajectory for improvement. The leadership team is dedicated to ensuring that all pupils achieve their potential, and the school community is supportive and engaged. The commitment to high standards in teaching and learning, alongside a focus on personal development and well-being, positions the school well for future success. The school is focused on addressing areas for development, particularly in ensuring that all pupils, including the most able and those with SEND, receive the support they need to thrive.