Akiva School, located at 80 East End Road, London N3 2SY, was inspected on 18 and 19 July 2023. The outcome of the inspection confirmed that Akiva School continues to be a good school. The leadership team has established high expectations throughout the school community, which pupils respond to positively. They exhibit a strong sense of pride in their school and their achievements, striving to excel in all activities. Pupils express happiness in attending school and view themselves as part of a unified family. They feel secure due to the strong relationships they have with their peers and staff, knowing they can approach an adult with any concerns.
The school community is committed to four core values: kindness, respect, integrity, and resilience, which are evident in their daily interactions. Pupils demonstrate excellent behavior, showing respect for one another and for adults. Instances of bullying are rare, and when they do occur, staff address them promptly. The leadership team is well-acquainted with the pupils and their families, fostering a strong partnership with parents and carers who are dedicated to the school. Pupils appreciate their responsibilities, with older students mentoring younger ones through a buddy system, ensuring newcomers feel welcomed and supported.
Leaders have a clear vision for the knowledge they want pupils to acquire, having carefully considered the essential content for each subject. This thoughtful planning enables pupils to retain information over time. Teachers receive ongoing training and possess the necessary subject knowledge to deliver lessons effectively. They adapt their teaching methods and utilize resources to support pupils' learning. For instance, in mathematics, staff assist pupils in analyzing and understanding various line graphs. However, there are occasional lapses in the precise use of subject-specific language by teachers, which can hinder the consistent delivery of the intended curriculum and limit pupils' deeper understanding.
Teachers regularly assess pupils' knowledge and retention, allowing students to apply their prior learning confidently. In physical education, for example, pupils effectively utilized previously learned throwing and catching skills during a game of rounders. Teachers are adept at identifying and addressing misconceptions in pupils' understanding. In the early years, staff encourage discussions and reflections on learning, preparing children well for Year 1.
Reading is a priority across the school, with phonics instruction beginning in Reception Year. Most pupils gain the confidence to segment and blend sounds by the end of Year 1. The reading materials align with the phonics being taught, and parents are encouraged to support reading at home. Attendance at early years reading information evenings is excellent, and leaders emphasize the importance of helping struggling pupils become fluent readers through targeted sessions, resulting in improved accuracy and fluency.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities receive strong support, with leaders ensuring they have access to an ambitious curriculum. Teachers are provided with clear information regarding these pupils' additional needs, and resources are utilized effectively to facilitate their learning. Collaboration with outside agencies further enhances the support provided to these pupils.
Behavior in lessons and around the school is exemplary, with pupils adhering to the school's golden rules and daily behavior expectations. They demonstrate kindness and respect towards each other and adults, contributing to a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Pupils engage well in class and exhibit politeness.
Beyond the academic curriculum, pupils have numerous opportunities for enrichment through various clubs, including sports and arts. They take pride in their gardening club, enjoying the fruits of their labor. Residential trips for older year groups are highly popular, and curriculum-related visits to museums and other sites enhance their learning experiences. Pupils learn about modern British life, healthy lifestyles, and relationships through an age-appropriate curriculum, and they benefit from community visits that introduce them to various professions.
Staff appreciate the support from leaders and governors, particularly regarding their workload. Professional development is prioritized, and staff value their roles within the school. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with a strong culture of safeguarding evident throughout the school. Staff and governors are well-informed about reporting procedures, ensuring that pupils and their families receive timely assistance when needed. Pupils are educated on online safety through personal, social, and health education lessons, and the governing body maintains strong oversight of safeguarding practices.
Overall, Akiva School is a well-rounded institution that fosters a positive learning environment, supports its pupils effectively, and maintains high standards of education and care.