Allerton Church of England Primary School, located in Alwoodley, Leeds, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on July 5 and 6, 2022. The school is described as a special place where pupils feel safe and supported. Teachers create engaging and stimulating learning environments, exemplified by the imaginative entrance to the library, inspired by the Chronicles of Narnia. Pupils are actively engaged in their lessons and enjoy a vibrant social atmosphere during breaks, utilizing various play equipment and activities. The school has a strong anti-bullying culture, with pupils expressing confidence in the support they receive from teachers.
The school offers a wide range of extracurricular clubs, which have resumed after the pandemic, including art, sports, and languages. During the inspection, reception class children participated in a creative activity involving a magic train ride, while older pupils took part in a sports day at a local university. Older students also serve as role models for younger pupils, demonstrating the school’s values of resilience and curiosity. The school community is supportive, particularly during challenging times, and parents express high levels of satisfaction, with many recommending the school for its focus on nurturing compassionate citizens.
Leadership at the school is characterized by ambition and a commitment to providing a rich educational experience. The curriculum is broad and well-structured, allowing pupils to thrive. Reading is prioritized, with significant investment in resources and training for staff to ensure effective teaching. Pupils enjoy reading, and those needing additional support receive it. The school is aware of the impact of the pandemic on reading progress and is implementing strategies to help pupils catch up. Innovative initiatives, such as mystery readers and a bedtime box of books, foster a love of reading among students.
Mathematics is another subject that pupils enjoy, often citing it as a favorite. The teaching encourages pupils to articulate their reasoning, enhancing their understanding. The curriculum for early years is ambitious, with engaging activities designed to develop mathematical skills. Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities are well-supported, ensuring they can access the full curriculum or a tailored program as needed.
History is taught in an engaging manner, although some older pupils struggle to recall and connect past topics. The art curriculum is particularly ambitious, allowing pupils to work intensively in a dedicated art studio, producing impressive work. However, there is a need for consistency in the quality of artwork produced in class, which leaders are addressing through staff training.
The school benefits from partnerships with various arts organizations, enhancing pupils' personal development through creative opportunities. Staff morale is high, with teachers expressing pride in their work and appreciation for the inspirational leadership of the headteacher. The governing body is actively involved, providing both support and challenge to school leaders.
While the school excels in many areas, there are opportunities for improvement, particularly in the foundation subjects. Leaders are reviewing the curriculum to ensure that it is appropriately challenging and that pupils retain knowledge from previous lessons. This focus on curriculum development will be essential for the next inspection.
The school has effective safeguarding arrangements, prioritizing the well-being of pupils. The Christian ethos underpins a strong safeguarding culture, with thorough procedures in place for staff appointments and ongoing training. Staff are vigilant in ensuring pupils know how to stay safe, both online and offline.
Overall, Allerton Church of England Primary School continues to provide a good education, with a strong emphasis on personal development, well-being, and academic achievement. The commitment to continuous improvement and the nurturing environment contribute to a positive school experience for all pupils.