Oak View Primary and Nursery School, located in Hatfield, Hertfordshire, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on June 13 and 14, 2023. The school fosters a positive environment where pupils feel happy and safe, taking pride in their school community. The inclusive classrooms and extensive grounds provide a conducive space for learning and play. The school has established a culture where bullying is rare, and pupils trust the adults to address any issues that may arise. High expectations for behavior and learning are set by the leaders, and pupils are aware of these standards. They appreciate the routines that help them learn and play safely, with older students noting that a quiet classroom enhances their learning experience.
The relationships within the school are characterized by respect, extending to the learning environment. Pupils celebrate each other's achievements and are motivated by rewards such as stickers and golden tickets, which allow them to choose special activities, including spending time with the school dog, Bella. The school organizes trips that enhance learning and life experiences, such as a World War Two experience day for Year 6 and visits to local nature reserves for younger pupils. The forest school area is particularly popular, offering opportunities for outdoor activities like tree climbing and campfire singing.
Leaders are aware of the challenges faced by the school, particularly the higher-than-average number of pupils who do not speak English at home and those who arrive mid-year from other countries. In response, they have adapted the curriculum to meet the needs of the diverse community. Curriculum leaders have clearly outlined learning objectives for each subject, ensuring that pupils receive a language-rich education in the early years, preparing them well for subsequent stages.
Teachers employ practical lessons that often extend beyond the classroom, revisiting previously taught knowledge to reinforce learning. This approach helps pupils retain information effectively. The school prioritizes early reading, with high-quality texts integrated into all subjects. A new phonics program has been introduced, and staff are well-trained to deliver it consistently. Support is provided for pupils who struggle with reading, ensuring they can keep pace with their peers.
Classrooms maintain a calm and orderly atmosphere, with pupils displaying positive attitudes towards learning. Most students behave well, and those who do not receive appropriate support to improve. Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities are included in the same curriculum as their peers, with effective systems in place to identify their needs and provide necessary adaptations.
Beyond academics, the school encourages pupils to explore their interests and develop new skills. Recent achievements include a dance team reaching the national finals and Year 5 pupils participating in outdoor activities like paddleboarding and rock climbing. Assemblies focus on values such as gratitude, and the diverse school community fosters a strong understanding of equality and difference.
Governors actively support the school's improvement efforts, being mindful of staff pressures and prioritizing their well-being. Staff feel valued and appreciate the emphasis on professional development. The safeguarding arrangements are robust, with staff trained to recognize and act on safety concerns. Pupils are educated about safety, including online issues.
While the school has many strengths, there is a need to improve the implementation of the phonics program across all year groups to ensure consistent support for all pupils, particularly those in key stage two who are less confident in their reading abilities. Prioritizing staff training and a unified approach to supporting emerging readers will enhance the overall educational experience at Oak View Primary and Nursery School.