Stockport Academy, located in Cheadle Heath, Stockport, is a secondary comprehensive school that has maintained its overall judgement of good following an ungraded inspection conducted on November 21 and 22, 2023. The principal, Janine McCann, leads the school, which is part of the United Learning trust, overseen by CEO Jon Coles and a board of trustees chaired by Reena Keeble. The inspection highlighted that while the school remains good, evidence suggests that the grade might not be as high if a graded inspection were conducted now, indicating areas for potential improvement.
Pupils at Stockport Academy express enjoyment in being part of the school community, facilitated by a house system that encourages friendships across different year groups. Events like 'fun day Friday' foster a sense of belonging through inter-house competitions. The school promotes positive conduct, with older pupils serving as role models by wearing gold ties as prefects, while younger pupils engage in various leadership roles. The school offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, including sports, hairdressing, and tank building, which pupils value highly.
Despite the positive aspects, the school faces challenges in ensuring that all pupils, particularly those with special educational needs and disabilities, achieve their full potential. Weaknesses in the curriculum have been identified, and the trust is actively supporting the school to enhance the quality of education provided. There is a clear understanding of the necessary improvements, and the school is committed to addressing social disadvantage through high-quality education.
The curriculum is ambitious, with a significant number of pupils in key stage four pursuing the English Baccalaureate. The school has designed a curriculum that outlines what pupils should learn and when, with knowledgeable teachers who effectively explain new concepts. However, some subjects lack clarity regarding essential knowledge, leading to inconsistent learning outcomes for some pupils. Recent efforts to improve assessment strategies have been made, but their implementation remains inconsistent, resulting in gaps in pupils' knowledge not being addressed promptly.
Behaviour management has improved, with pupils reporting positive changes in conduct and a calm atmosphere throughout the school. The school has established processes to identify additional needs among pupils, and staff generally adapt their teaching to support those with special educational needs. However, some parents still express concerns, although staff now receive adequate information to assist these pupils effectively.
The school has implemented a process to identify pupils struggling with reading, providing effective support for those in key stage three. However, this support is not as widely applied in key stage four, leaving some older pupils without the necessary assistance to improve their reading skills. Personal development is a strong focus, with opportunities for pupils to prepare for their future, such as mock interviews with local employers.
Staff satisfaction is high, with appreciation for the time allocated for curriculum development. Trustees and governors are well-informed about the school and are dedicated to collaborating with leadership to ensure ongoing improvement. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, contributing to a safe learning environment. Overall, while Stockport Academy demonstrates many strengths, it must address specific areas to enhance the educational experience and outcomes for all pupils.