William Hulme’s Grammar School has been recognized for its overall effectiveness, achieving a good rating across various aspects of education. The leadership and management of the school are effective, with leaders demonstrating a clear vision for excellence and a commitment to continuous improvement. The principal and the leadership teams have taken decisive actions to enhance the quality of education since the last inspection. The curriculum is well-planned and ambitious, ensuring that pupils receive a broad and balanced education.
In the early years, children are provided with a strong foundation, benefiting from effective teaching and a stimulating environment that fosters their learning. The school has made significant strides in improving writing skills, particularly in the primary phase, where pupils are now able to apply their knowledge of vocabulary, spelling, and grammar effectively. Progress in the primary phase is consistently good, with pupils making notable advancements across key stages one and two.
In the secondary phase, pupils continue to excel, particularly in mathematics and science, with high attainment levels by the end of key stage four. The proportion of pupils achieving strong passes in English and mathematics exceeds the national average. However, there are areas for improvement, particularly in key stage three, where some pupils' written work lacks depth and precision. The school is aware of this and is working to share effective practices from the primary phase to enhance writing skills in the secondary phase.
Disadvantaged pupils, including those looked after and young carers, achieve well due to the effective use of additional funding to support their progress. Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities also make good progress, although there is a need for better monitoring of the impact of additional funding on their learning. The sixth form has seen marked improvements in student progress, although some students need to engage more deeply with the concepts they study to achieve their full potential.
The school places a strong emphasis on personal development, behavior, and welfare. Pupils demonstrate positive attitudes towards learning and take pride in their school. The behavior policy is effective, leading to a significant reduction in exclusions and promoting a respectful and caring environment. The school celebrates its cultural diversity and provides numerous opportunities for pupils to engage in extracurricular activities, enhancing their personal and social development.
Attendance rates are high, and the school has successfully improved the attendance of disadvantaged pupils. The safeguarding measures in place are robust, ensuring that pupils feel safe and well cared for. The school actively promotes pupils' spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development, integrating British values throughout the curriculum.
In summary, William Hulme’s Grammar School is a good school that provides a high-quality education for its pupils. The leadership team is committed to continuous improvement, and the school has made significant strides in various areas, including writing, personal development, and overall pupil outcomes. While there are areas for further development, particularly in writing at key stage three and the monitoring of SEND funding, the school is well-positioned to continue its trajectory of success.