Wren Academy is an outstanding school located in North Finchley, London, with a strong reputation for maintaining high educational standards since its previous inspection. The leadership team is stable, ambitious, and dedicated, ensuring that the quality of teaching, learning, and assessment remains exceptional. Pupils exhibit mature attitudes towards their studies from an early age, demonstrating diligence and a genuine enjoyment of learning. The school provides a rich and varied curriculum that allows students to excel across a broad range of subjects, fostering the development of essential skills.
The early years provision at Wren Academy is particularly noteworthy, offering children a superb start to their education. Children quickly acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for their progression through the school. The school's commitment to safeguarding is evident, with a robust pastoral care system in place that ensures pupils feel safe and supported. The Christian values upheld by the school create a respectful and inclusive environment where pupils from diverse backgrounds demonstrate mutual respect and understanding.
In the sixth form, students build on their previous experiences, becoming articulate and motivated learners. They benefit from specialist teaching, enrichment activities, and individualized support, positioning them well for successful applications to their chosen courses. The school provides excellent guidance on how studies relate to career aspirations, and all pupils have access to a wide range of extracurricular activities that broaden their perspectives.
Wren Academy's leadership ensures that teachers' assessments of pupils' work are accurate, facilitating significant progress. A new feedback policy is being implemented to standardize assessment practices across all subjects and year groups. However, there are instances where teachers do not check quickly enough to ensure that lower-ability pupils can engage fully with more challenging tasks. Addressing this will be crucial for further improvement.
The school has been recognized for its outstanding leadership and management, with leaders demonstrating a commitment to continuous improvement. They engage in regular self-evaluation and refine practices to enhance the educational experience. The governing body is knowledgeable and effective, holding leaders accountable for maintaining high standards and supporting the school's development.
Pupils' personal development and welfare are prioritized, with a strong emphasis on fostering respectful relationships between students and staff. The school promotes the importance of being a good person alongside academic success, preparing pupils well for future challenges. Behaviour is exemplary, with rare incidents of poor conduct, and pupils feel confident that their concerns are addressed promptly.
Overall, Wren Academy is a school where pupils consistently make strong progress, with disadvantaged pupils achieving particularly well. The school’s approach to teaching and learning, combined with its commitment to inclusivity and respect, creates an environment where all students can thrive. The early years provision sets a solid foundation for future learning, and the sixth form prepares students effectively for higher education and career pathways. The school’s dedication to excellence is evident in every aspect of its operation, making it a model of educational success.