Great Academy Ashton is a secondary school located in Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire, which has recently undergone an inspection. The overall effectiveness of the school has been rated as requiring improvement, with similar ratings for the quality of education, behavior and attitudes, and leadership and management. However, the personal development aspect of the school has been rated as good. The school has a diverse and welcoming community, and both pupils and staff recognize the ongoing improvements being made to enhance their experiences.
Leaders at Great Academy Ashton have high expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, as well as disadvantaged students. The curriculum offered is broad and varied, but inconsistencies in teaching methods have led to some pupils not achieving their full potential. While most pupils enjoy attending the school, there are concerns regarding behavior in lessons and during social times, which are not consistently managed by staff. This inconsistency can lead to a less positive experience for some pupils, with reports of bullying being addressed effectively by leaders.
The school offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, which pupils appreciate, including clubs such as debating society and trampolining. Pupils are encouraged to engage in the wider life of the school through charity work and leadership roles, fostering a sense of community and responsibility. Leaders have a clear vision for improving the quality of education and have redesigned the curriculum to be ambitious for all pupils. Subject leaders have carefully considered the order in which new concepts are introduced, but there is a need for clearer guidance on teaching strategies and assessment methods.
While subject leaders recognize the importance of linking prior knowledge to new information, there is a lack of consistency in how this is implemented across the school. Teachers possess good subject knowledge, but not all select the most effective activities to deliver the curriculum. Additionally, there are instances where misconceptions are not addressed promptly, hindering pupils' understanding of key concepts. The assessment methods used to check pupils' understanding are also not consistently applied, leading to gaps in knowledge that can affect progress.
Pupils benefit from a new library that promotes a love of reading, and there are effective support programs in place for those struggling with reading and comprehension. However, support for pupils in key stage four needs further development to ensure they can catch up with their peers. Pupils with special educational needs are fully included in school life, and their needs are identified and addressed effectively.
Classrooms are generally orderly, but low-level disruption can impact learning in some lessons. The behavior policy is understood by staff and pupils, but inconsistent application by some staff leads to disruptions. Leaders acknowledge the need for more consistent enforcement of behavior management strategies. Personal development is prioritized, with a strong pastoral support program in place. Pupils receive high-quality careers advice, and most progress to further education or training.
Trust leaders and senior management have made significant improvements in a short time but recognize the need for ongoing development. They have set clear priorities for improvement, particularly in curriculum delivery and behavior management. Staff generally enjoy working at the school and appreciate the support from leaders regarding their well-being and workload. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff trained to identify and report concerns, ensuring a safe environment for pupils. Overall, while there are areas requiring improvement, Great Academy Ashton is on a positive trajectory towards enhancing the educational experience for its pupils.