Ofsted conducted a monitoring inspection of Montpelier High School on 20 September 2023, following the designation of serious weaknesses after a graded inspection in March 2022. The purpose of this inspection was to assess the progress made by the school since the last inspection, rather than to provide an overall effectiveness grade. The inspection involved discussions with the headteacher, senior leaders, and representatives from the multi-academy trust, as well as evaluations of documentation and meetings with student groups.
The inspection revealed that while progress has been made, further work is required for the school to no longer be classified as having serious weaknesses. A new headteacher has been appointed since the last monitoring inspection in December 2022, and the senior leadership team has expanded to include four associate headteachers. Additionally, the pastoral team has been strengthened with the inclusion of non-teaching heads of year.
The school has implemented measures to address previously identified weaknesses, particularly in safeguarding. Robust procedures are now in place to ensure the physical and emotional well-being of students. The school collaborates closely with external agencies, including the local authority’s safeguarding team, to provide effective support for at-risk pupils. Regular scrutiny of safeguarding concerns allows the school to maintain comprehensive records and share information effectively among staff responsible for vulnerable students.
Students across all year groups have reported significant improvements in relationships with peers and staff. Many students feel they have trusted adults to confide in and express that they feel supported and safe. The school has made strides in addressing bullying, with students accurately defining bullying and expressing increased confidence that issues are resolved effectively. The school has improved its monitoring of behavior and bullying incidents, leading to a notable decrease in such occurrences. This data is used to identify emerging issues and develop appropriate responses.
Montpelier High School has established a clear vision for success, aiming to create an environment where students feel a strong sense of belonging. This vision is reflected in the school’s improvement priorities, which emphasize both welfare and educational quality. However, despite revisions to the personal, social, and health education curriculum, many students feel inadequately prepared for life beyond school. Some students express a lack of comprehensive information and guidance regarding future careers and further education. In contrast, sixth-form students benefit from a highly effective PSHE curriculum and receive detailed guidance on careers, apprenticeships, and higher education.
The inspection concluded that while the school has made commendable progress in several areas, including safeguarding and student relationships, there remains a need for continued efforts to address the remaining weaknesses. The school’s leadership is committed to ongoing improvement, and the support from the multi-academy trust is crucial in this process. The findings of this inspection will be shared with relevant stakeholders, including the chair of the board of trustees and the regional director from the Department for Education. The letter detailing these findings will also be published on the Ofsted reports website, ensuring transparency and accountability in the school’s journey towards improvement.