Crowlands Primary School, located in Romford, continues to be recognized as a good school following its recent inspection on October 17 and 18, 2023. The school is characterized by a warm and welcoming environment where pupils feel happy and safe. They demonstrate high levels of respect for all members of the school community, including visitors, and are skilled at being good friends to one another. The support and care provided by adults in the school are greatly appreciated by the pupils, who are aware of trusted adults available to assist them with any concerns.
The staff at Crowlands Primary School maintain very high expectations for pupil behavior and achievement, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. Pupils respond positively to these expectations, showing diligence in their work and attentiveness in class. Their behavior is generally calm and sensible, both in classrooms and throughout the school.
Inclusion is a fundamental aspect of the school's ethos. The school often welcomes pupils who join mid-year, and any additional support required is promptly identified and addressed. Teachers ensure that all pupils receive the necessary assistance, which contributes to their overall success.
Pupils are encouraged to participate actively in school life, taking on roles such as school councillors, librarians, and digital leaders. They also enjoy a variety of extracurricular clubs, including multi-sports, cookery, and karate, which enhance their school experience.
The leadership team has developed an ambitious curriculum that builds effectively on pupils' starting points. They have carefully considered the learning journey from Nursery through to Year 6, outlining the vocabulary, knowledge, and skills that pupils should acquire. The curriculum is regularly reviewed and evaluated, with subject leaders providing strong support to teachers, resulting in robust subject knowledge among the staff.
Teachers design engaging activities that captivate pupils' interest in learning. They assess pupils' prior knowledge before introducing new concepts, ensuring that learning is built upon a solid foundation. However, in some subjects, pupils occasionally struggle to retain essential knowledge due to insufficient opportunities to revisit and reinforce prior learning.
Reading is prioritized at Crowlands Primary School, with staff implementing effective phonics programs from the early years. Adults foster a love of reading through stories, songs, and rhymes, and pupils who need extra help are well-supported to catch up quickly. The school provides a diverse range of high-quality texts to enhance pupils' understanding of the world.
The school has a strong behavior policy that is consistently applied, resulting in rare instances of low-level disruption. Attendance is managed effectively, with prompt responses to any concerning patterns.
Pupils with special educational needs receive strong support, with teachers adapting the curriculum to meet their needs. The school promotes understanding of different faiths and cultures, ensuring that the diversity of the local area is reflected in the curriculum and activities.
The school community collaborates effectively, with staff expressing appreciation for the support they receive from leaders. The governing body plays an active role in holding leaders accountable and has a clear understanding of the school's strengths and areas for improvement.
The safeguarding arrangements at Crowlands Primary School are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. While the school excels in many areas, it is recommended that staff provide more opportunities for pupils to revisit and embed their learning in certain subjects to enhance long-term retention. Overall, Crowlands Primary School remains a good educational institution, committed to the well-being and success of its pupils.