Duke’s Secondary School in Ashington, Northumberland, has undergone significant improvements since its previous inspection, which rated it as inadequate. The recent inspection conducted on June 6 and 7, 2023, resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of requires improvement, with specific areas such as behaviour, personal development, leadership, and sixth-form provision rated as good. The school has established a welcoming environment characterized by strong relationships between staff and pupils. A new behaviour system has been implemented, leading to a calm and orderly atmosphere within the school. Staff and pupils have expressed positive feedback regarding these changes.
Leaders and teachers at Duke’s Secondary School are ambitious for their pupils' success and actively promote personal development and well-being. The school has integrated enrichment activities into the timetable, allowing pupils to engage in a variety of experiences. However, the quality of education and the standards achieved by pupils are currently not satisfactory. Leaders are working to raise expectations and improve educational outcomes. The sixth form benefits from its small size, providing personalized support and effective teaching.
Most pupils report feeling safe at school and have access to trusted adults for support. Bullying is reported to be rare, and when it occurs, it is addressed effectively by staff. The school has made strides in improving the quality of education, with clearer links established between the primary curriculum and the new key stage three curriculum. Leaders have set clear learning objectives across subjects, and there is evidence of improved knowledge retention in some areas. However, not all teachers consistently assess pupils' understanding, leading to instances where pupils are assigned work beyond their current capabilities.
Pupils in key stage four have the opportunity to select from a range of courses, ensuring inclusivity for those with special educational needs and disabilities. In key stage five, students can choose from a limited number of A-level subjects and a broader selection of vocational courses, catering for their individual needs and aspirations. Support for pupils with special educational needs is effective, with strategies in place to address their social, emotional, and mental health needs.
The school prioritizes reading and literacy, with the English department actively promoting a love of reading through various activities. However, access to reading support programs is limited, and some pupils struggle with handwriting and letter formation. A small number of pupils attend alternative provision, and while leaders take responsibility for their well-being, the records of visits to these providers lack thoroughness.
Behaviour and attitudes have improved significantly, supported by a clear behaviour policy. Although some minor inconsistencies in policy application exist, they do not detract from overall behaviour standards. Leaders monitor behaviour incidents, but their analysis of trends could be more precise to facilitate further improvements. The personal development program is well-structured, with pupils demonstrating a strong understanding of important issues such as inclusivity. Careers guidance is particularly robust, providing pupils with valuable insights into future opportunities.
Leadership at all levels is focused on continuous improvement, with leaders demonstrating ambition and a clear understanding of necessary actions. While progress is still needed in enhancing educational quality, other areas of school improvement are more secure. Staff generally feel supported and appreciated for their efforts. The arrangements for safeguarding are effective, with staff trained to recognize and address local risks. Leaders maintain accurate records of safeguarding concerns and ensure pupils receive necessary support.
To further improve, the school must enhance the clarity of records regarding visits to alternative providers, ensure consistent delivery of the curriculum by all teachers, and expand access to reading and literacy interventions for all pupils. Additionally, leaders should conduct more thorough analyses of behaviour patterns to better understand and address the needs of different pupil groups.