Ofsted conducted an urgent inspection of Leeds West Academy on September 21 and 22, 2022, to assess the effectiveness of safeguarding arrangements following concerns about pupil behavior and attitudes. The inspection was led by His Majesty’s Inspector and included a thorough review of various documents related to safeguarding and child protection. Meetings were held with the principal, deputy chief executive officer, local advisory board chair, and groups of pupils and staff. Observations of pupil behavior during the school day were also part of the inspection process.
The findings indicated that safeguarding at Leeds West Academy is effective. The school promotes a culture of respect and safety, encapsulated in its rules: Be ready, be respectful, and be safe. Staff receive ongoing training on safeguarding topics, ensuring they are well-equipped to handle any concerns. Regular meetings allow staff to discuss safeguarding issues, and leaders respond promptly to any concerns raised. The positive interactions between staff and pupils contribute to a welcoming environment, with pupils greeted at the school gate and in classrooms, fostering a sense of belonging.
Leaders maintain high expectations for pupil behavior, which has led to a reduction in classroom disruptions. Most pupils demonstrate responsible behavior and respect for others, contributing to a focused learning atmosphere. Teachers effectively manage off-task behavior, helping pupils understand how to improve. Reports of bullying and prejudice are infrequent, and leaders take swift action to address any incidents, promoting a culture of reflection and reconciliation among pupils.
The school has seen a decline in suspensions, with leaders considering individual pupil needs before implementing such measures. Reintegration meetings are held to support pupils returning to school after a suspension. Alternative education provisions are utilized appropriately for some pupils, positively impacting their behavior. Attendance is closely monitored, and the pastoral team provides support for pupils who are absent, with a strong focus on improving attendance among those who are persistently absent.
Staff are well-trained to identify pupils needing additional support, particularly those with special educational needs and disabilities. The SEND team is proactive in assisting these pupils, which has led to a decrease in the number of removals from class due to behavioral issues. Pupils engage positively in citizenship and personal development activities, enhancing their understanding of respect and safety.
Governors are actively involved in safeguarding, understanding their responsibilities and regularly questioning leaders about safeguarding updates. This engagement fosters a culture of self-evaluation and continuous improvement within the school. Leaders have established strong links with external agencies, ensuring that safeguarding advice is readily available and that they are informed about regional issues.
While there have been improvements in attendance, leaders recognize the need for further efforts to engage families and motivate pupils to attend school more consistently. The school is committed to addressing persistent absence and continues to work closely with families to support pupil attendance.
Overall, the inspection concluded that Leeds West Academy has effective safeguarding measures in place, with a positive school culture that promotes respect and safety among pupils. The leadership team is dedicated to continuous improvement and ensuring that all pupils feel safe and supported in their learning environment.