Outwoods Primary School in Atherstone, Warwickshire, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on July 11 and 12, 2023. The school provides a warm and welcoming environment where pupils feel happy and safe. Attendance is high, and pupils are eager to come to school. The leadership and teaching staff maintain high expectations, which pupils consistently meet. When students require assistance, teachers are readily available to support them, fostering a sense of ease that encourages learning.
The curriculum at Outwoods Primary School is broad and balanced, designed to build knowledge over time. Leaders have identified key knowledge and vocabulary for each subject, ensuring that pupils are well-prepared for their learning journey. For instance, Year 6 pupils demonstrated confidence in discussing artistic techniques during their art lessons. The school also effectively includes pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in the same curriculum as their peers, with those in the Bluebells provision achieving well.
Pupils are encouraged to express their views and make decisions, promoting respect for others' opinions. The school has a culture of inclusivity, with initiatives like the 'gender champions' program, which helps ensure that all students work and play together harmoniously. Instances of bullying are rare, and pupils trust that staff will address any issues that arise.
Extracurricular activities play a significant role in the school, allowing pupils to explore their interests and talents. The school promotes a love for nature and sustainability, and students take pride in caring for the school's pets, including a beloved cat named Cilla. The school’s motto, love of learning, learning for life, is reflected in the vibrant displays of student work throughout the premises.
While the curriculum planning is commendable, there are areas for improvement, particularly in assessment practices. In mathematics, some younger pupils are sometimes advanced to new topics before mastering essential number facts, which can hinder their progress in later stages. Additionally, there is a need for greater emphasis on proper letter and number formation in the early years and key stage one, as this affects the neatness and accuracy of pupils' work.
The culture of reading is strong, with staff well-trained to deliver the early reading curriculum. Pupils who struggle with reading receive the necessary support to keep pace with their peers. Reading sessions are highly engaging, with pupils expressing a desire for them to continue.
The school has established effective safeguarding measures, creating a culture of vigilance among staff. Leaders ensure that concerns are reported swiftly, and thorough record-keeping is maintained. The school collaborates with external agencies to address safeguarding risks and teaches pupils how to stay safe, including online safety.
Overall, Outwoods Primary School is a good school that provides a supportive and engaging learning environment. The leadership team is committed to continuous improvement, and with focused efforts on assessment practices and handwriting instruction, the school can further enhance its educational offerings. The strong sense of community, high expectations, and commitment to inclusivity contribute to a positive atmosphere where pupils can thrive academically and socially.