Holy Family Catholic Primary School in Liverpool has undergone a significant transformation since its previous inspection, moving from an inadequate rating to an overall effectiveness rating of good. The inspection, conducted on June 21 and 22, 2022, highlighted the positive environment within the school, where pupils feel welcomed and safe. The school is recognized as a ‘school of sanctuary,’ providing a supportive atmosphere for all students, including those who join at various times throughout the year and may not speak English as their first language.
Pupils express happiness in their school experience, embracing the diversity present within the community. They demonstrate respect for one another and for adults, adhering to the school’s behavioral expectations, which contributes to a calm and orderly environment. The trust pupils have in the staff is evident, as they feel comfortable seeking help when needed. Incidents, including bullying, are addressed promptly and effectively by the leadership team.
The leadership has raised expectations for pupil achievement, starting from the early years. The curriculum is thoughtfully designed to cater to the needs of all children, ensuring that those requiring additional support, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, receive timely assistance. This approach has led to improved pupil outcomes compared to previous years.
The school’s curriculum is well-organized and ambitious, with leaders ensuring that knowledge is built progressively from early years through to key stage one and beyond. Subject leaders are knowledgeable and focused on developing pupils’ vocabulary and broadening their experiences. Teachers are skilled in assessing prior knowledge, which allows them to build on what pupils already know. However, there are a few subjects where assessment practices are less effective, leading to gaps in knowledge for some pupils.
Reading is prioritized across the school, with staff well-trained to support pupils in developing their reading skills. Pupils are provided with books that match their reading levels, and those needing extra help read regularly with adults, enhancing their fluency and confidence. The school library is well-stocked, encouraging pupils to read for pleasure and to expand their knowledge. By the end of Year 6, most pupils read fluently and enjoyably.
The school effectively identifies pupils with special educational needs early on, ensuring they receive the necessary support to thrive in the curriculum. Children in the early years quickly adapt to school routines, developing strong social and emotional skills that carry through to their later years. The personal development of pupils is a strong focus, with lessons on diversity, respect for different cultures, and understanding healthy relationships.
Governance at the school is robust, with governors providing informed support and challenge to the leadership team. Staff morale is high, reflecting the positive support they receive from leaders. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff trained to recognize and address vulnerabilities among pupils, ensuring their safety and well-being.
While the school has made significant strides, there are areas for improvement, particularly in ensuring that assessment practices are consistently effective across all subjects. Leaders are encouraged to ensure that pupils have a secure understanding of knowledge before progressing to new content. Overall, Holy Family Catholic Primary School has demonstrated a commitment to continuous improvement and the well-being of its pupils.