The Bourne Academy is a welcoming and inclusive secondary school located in Bournemouth, Dorset. The recent inspection conducted in November 2019 rated the school as good across all areas, including overall effectiveness, quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and sixth-form provision. The school community is characterized by a strong sense of pride among pupils and staff, who feel supported and safe within the environment. Pupils express that the school helps them to become the best version of themselves, highlighting the positive impact of the school's ethos.
The school promotes a calm learning atmosphere where respect, friendliness, and politeness are the norms. Pupils actively look out for one another and take care of their surroundings. Instances of bullying are rare, and when they do occur, staff handle them effectively. The leadership team has a clear ambition for pupils to aspire to high standards, which is evident in the curriculum design and the encouragement of subject choices. The school offers a variety of extracurricular activities, including clubs and performing arts, which are well-attended and foster a sense of achievement among pupils.
Teachers at The Bourne Academy are knowledgeable and supportive, helping pupils to understand and retain their learning. The curriculum is ambitious and aligned with national standards, allowing pupils to study a wide range of subjects. Recent changes to the curriculum have resulted in increased participation in languages and humanities, with pupils expressing the importance of these subjects. The school also emphasizes the development of discussion and debating skills, preparing pupils for future academic challenges.
While the school has many strengths, there are areas for improvement. Some foundation subjects require further development to ensure that pupils acquire essential knowledge and skills. Additionally, the sixth-form curriculum needs to be enhanced to better prepare students for life beyond school, particularly in personal, social, and moral education. Attendance remains a focus for leaders, as it has not yet reached the desired levels, although efforts are being made to improve it.
The school has effective safeguarding measures in place, with a well-trained safeguarding team that collaborates with local primary schools and external services. Staff are vigilant in identifying and addressing issues early, ensuring that vulnerable pupils receive the necessary support. Pupils are educated on how to keep themselves safe, including online safety.
Governance at The Bourne Academy is strong, with governors being well-informed about the school's strengths and weaknesses. They hold the principal and leadership team accountable for maintaining high standards. The partnership with the sponsor school enhances the educational experience, providing pupils with opportunities to appreciate social differences through exchange programs.
Overall, The Bourne Academy is a good school that fosters a positive learning environment, supports pupil development, and maintains high expectations for behaviour and academic achievement. The leadership team is committed to continuous improvement, ensuring that all pupils receive a well-rounded education that prepares them for future success.