Sidney Stringer Academy, located in Coventry, West Midlands, was inspected on February 8 and 9, 2023, and received an overall effectiveness rating of good. The school has a strong commitment to providing a vibrant and inclusive environment where pupils feel safe and respected. The school's values, encapsulated in the acronym DRIVE, emphasize determination, respect, integrity, value, and excellence, which are evident in the daily operations and interactions within the school community. Pupils express a sense of belonging and comfort, highlighting the supportive atmosphere fostered by both staff and peers.
The leadership team is dedicated to ensuring the well-being and safety of all students, which has resulted in positive relationships between pupils and staff. The school has effectively addressed the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on rebuilding a culture of mutual respect and support. The commitment to personal growth is evident, with academic success being equally prioritized. Pupils demonstrate curiosity and determination in their learning, particularly in the sixth form, where they engage deeply with the curriculum.
The curriculum is broad and challenging, particularly in key stages four and five, where it is well-structured and thoughtfully designed to build on prior knowledge. This careful sequencing helps pupils retain what they have learned. For instance, in English, sixth-form students develop a strong understanding of complex concepts. However, the curriculum in key stage three is less developed, with some subjects not being studied in sufficient depth, which may hinder pupils' preparedness for future qualifications.
Teachers generally assess pupils' understanding effectively, adapting their teaching to address any gaps in knowledge. Nonetheless, in some subjects, assessment practices lack precision, leading to missed opportunities for identifying and addressing learning needs. This inconsistency can result in gaps in pupils' knowledge, which the school needs to address to maximize learning outcomes.
The school has made commendable efforts to support pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring that their learning is tailored to their individual needs. The interventions in place for early-stage readers are effective, enabling these pupils to achieve fluency in reading.
Behaviour among pupils is generally positive, with most demonstrating courtesy and dedication to their studies. However, a small minority exhibit less commitment, and the school is actively working to address issues such as truancy. The introduction of therapeutic sessions has been beneficial in re-engaging pupils who struggle with attendance.
The school places a strong emphasis on character development, integrating it into all aspects of school life. Opportunities for leadership and community involvement are abundant, with pupils participating in various roles and initiatives that foster a sense of social responsibility. The school also provides high-quality information about career options, preparing pupils for their future paths.
Safeguarding measures are robust, with staff trained to recognize and respond to potential risks. The school collaborates with local authorities to ensure that pupils are educated on safety in various contexts, including online environments.
To improve, the school should focus on enhancing the depth of the curriculum in key stage three and refining assessment practices to ensure that all pupils receive the support they need to progress effectively in their learning. Overall, Sidney Stringer Academy demonstrates a strong commitment to fostering an inclusive and supportive educational environment, with clear areas for growth that will further enhance its effectiveness.