Ofsted conducted a monitoring inspection of Shirebrook Academy on April 18, 2024, following two successive judgments of requires improvement. The inspection aimed to assess the progress made by the school since its last graded inspection. The inspection team engaged with senior leaders, trustees, governors, and staff to discuss the actions taken to improve the school, as well as the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The inspector visited lessons, spoke with pupils, and reviewed the school’s safeguarding arrangements.
The leadership team has undergone significant changes, with new personnel in key positions, including the special educational needs coordinator who started in September 2023. The school has focused on clarifying roles and responsibilities among leaders and fostering collaboration to support pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. This approach has allowed for a more integrated support system for these pupils.
Since the last inspection, the school has made strides in improving the precision of assessment information used by teachers. A review of the curriculum has led to ambitious and well-sequenced lessons across all subjects. Summative assessment systems have been introduced to accurately gauge pupils' knowledge and understanding, enabling teachers to adapt their lessons accordingly. While teachers generally demonstrate secure subject knowledge and model concepts effectively, there are instances where they do not consistently identify gaps in pupils' understanding, which the school recognizes as a priority for development.
The provision for pupils with special educational needs has significantly improved, with prompt identification of needs and detailed information provided to staff. However, some teachers still struggle to ensure that all pupils receive the precise support they require. The school has prioritized reading, implementing a phonics program suitable for secondary-aged pupils, which has helped many catch up with their peers.
The school has established robust monitoring and evaluation systems to identify strengths and areas for improvement. Actions are taken logically to facilitate school improvement, such as enhancing the curriculum before refining assessment practices. The trust provides effective support, particularly in relation to special educational needs and reading initiatives, and governors play a crucial role in holding leaders accountable for improvement priorities.
Pupils' behavior has improved, with most being calm and focused during lessons. Older pupils report fewer disruptions and express positive sentiments about the school community's inclusivity. Staff also share favorable views on behavior management, noting the support they receive from the school. The introduction of a provision called the Bridge has positively impacted behavior, although some disruptive behavior persists, particularly in lessons taught by non-permanent staff.
Attendance has improved, with careful analysis helping the school identify effective strategies to increase attendance among vulnerable pupils. The school continues to prioritize further improvements in this area. External experts are consulted when necessary, and their input is valued in reflecting on various aspects of provision, including support for pupils with special educational needs.
Overall, while Shirebrook Academy has made progress, further work is needed to achieve a good rating. The school is on a positive trajectory, with a commitment to continuous improvement and a focus on enhancing the educational experience for all pupils.