Co-op Academy Manchester has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on March 13 and 14, 2023. The leadership team, trustees, and governors are dedicated to ensuring the success of all pupils, promoting the Co-op values in every aspect of school life. The school has created an environment where students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, generally achieve well. Many pupils express that they feel happy and safe at school, highlighting the warm relationships they share with staff. Pupils are confident that their concerns will be addressed promptly and effectively, particularly regarding bullying, which is managed swiftly by the staff.
The school has established high expectations for both behavior and learning, resulting in pupils focusing well during lessons. Respectful interactions among pupils and between pupils and adults are common, contributing to a positive atmosphere throughout the school. The diverse nature of the school community is a source of pride for students, who appreciate opportunities to celebrate this diversity through events like culture day. Pupils also enjoy taking on various responsibilities, such as participating in the school council or serving as prefects, and they recognize the importance of supporting the local community through initiatives like the community fridge.
The curriculum at Co-op Academy Manchester is well-organized and thoughtfully designed, ensuring that all pupils, including those with SEND, receive a comprehensive education. Subject leaders have carefully considered the essential knowledge pupils need to acquire and the sequence in which it should be taught. In key stage three, all pupils study a broad range of subjects, preparing them for the challenges of key stage four. An increasing number of pupils in key stage four are pursuing the English Baccalaureate suite of subjects.
Teachers at the school demonstrate strong subject knowledge and effectively utilize their expertise to facilitate learning. Those who are not specialists in a subject receive targeted training, enabling them to deliver the curriculum effectively. Assessment strategies are employed to monitor pupil understanding and retention of knowledge, with frequent checks on recent learning and overall comprehension over time.
While leaders have raised expectations for pupil behavior, there are still some older pupils who struggle to regulate their behavior outside of lessons. Leaders are actively working to address this issue, but it remains a work in progress. The school prioritizes reading, with leaders carefully selecting books for pupils to read during form time. A comprehensive reading support program is in place to assist pupils who arrive at the school with reading difficulties, helping them catch up with their peers.
Leaders have established a robust personal development program that addresses mental health, the dangers of misogyny, and the importance of healthy relationships. Pupils receive regular, high-quality career information, aiding them in making informed decisions about their future. The governing body and trustees are well-informed about the school and provide appropriate support and challenge to the leadership team. Most staff appreciate the recent changes made to support their workload and well-being.
The safeguarding arrangements at Co-op Academy Manchester are effective, with a strong culture of safeguarding established by leaders. A well-trained team of staff specializes in safeguarding, working collaboratively to support the school community. Staff are trained to identify signs of potential harm and report concerns diligently. Leaders follow up on safeguarding matters resolutely, ensuring that pupils and their families receive timely support from external agencies when needed.
Overall, Co-op Academy Manchester continues to provide a good education, with a strong focus on pupil well-being, academic achievement, and community involvement. The school is committed to further improving pupil behavior and ensuring that all students thrive in a supportive and inclusive environment.