Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Westlands Primary School on June 26, 2019, following its previous judgment of good in May 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team, led by Mrs. K Mirams, has effectively upheld the standards of education, fostering a cohesive and respected environment among staff, pupils, and parents. Parents expressed confidence in the leadership, noting that leaders encourage children to strive for their best.
The commitment of leaders and governors to providing a broad and balanced education is evident, as they prioritize both academic success and pupil well-being. This holistic approach ensures that pupils are well-prepared for their next educational stages by the time they leave Year 6. The school environment is described as friendly and welcoming, with values of kindness, learning, and responsibility permeating all aspects of school life. Positive relationships between pupils and staff contribute to a conducive learning atmosphere, where pupils feel known and cared for as individuals.
The quality of teaching is closely monitored, with leaders providing necessary guidance to teachers. This support, along with the sharing of best practices, results in effective teaching and engaged learning. Classrooms are vibrant spaces where pupils actively participate in well-planned tasks, enhancing their understanding through collaboration and discussion. Notably, in Year 1, pupils demonstrated enthusiasm while using various resources to develop their mathematical skills.
Pupils express happiness about attending school, describing it as fantastic and a safe place. They appreciate the diverse experiences offered by the staff and take pride in their school. The enthusiasm of staff, parents, and carers for the school's initiatives is palpable, with many highlighting the dedication of the staff to the children's best interests.
The school has successfully addressed previous areas for improvement, particularly in mathematics, where teaching has become a strength. Teachers encourage pupils to articulate their understanding and provide time for reviewing and editing their work. Feedback strategies have been introduced, prompting pupils to reflect on their learning.
While leaders recognize the school's strengths, they also acknowledge areas for further development. Specifically, they aim to enhance outcomes for the most able pupils in writing and reduce persistent absenteeism to align attendance rates with national averages. Safeguarding practices are robust, with a strong culture of safety evident throughout the school. Staff prioritize pupil well-being and are well-trained to address potential risks.
The inspection findings highlighted the need for continued focus on improving writing outcomes for the most able pupils and reducing persistent absence rates. Leaders have implemented effective strategies for managing attendance and have raised awareness of its importance among families. The use of pupil premium funding is closely monitored, ensuring that disadvantaged pupils receive the necessary support to make good progress.
In summary, Westlands Primary School continues to provide a good quality of education, with strong leadership and a commitment to pupil well-being. The school is well-regarded by the community, and while there are areas for improvement, the foundation for ongoing success is firmly established.