Healing Academy, located in Grimsby, Lincolnshire, has recently undergone an inspection that has resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good. This marks a significant improvement from its previous inspection, which rated the school as requiring improvement. The executive principal, Richard Briggs, leads the school, which is part of the Harbour Learning Trust. The trust is overseen by a board of trustees chaired by Christopher Cherry, with the executive principal responsible for this school and several others.
The inspection highlighted that pupils at Healing Academy are benefiting from recent efforts by leaders to enhance the school culture. The school’s values emphasize being child-centered, inclusive, ambitious, and collaborative, which have positively influenced the atmosphere within the school. Pupils have responded well to these changes, demonstrating good behavior in lessons and during social times. The school environment is described as calm and orderly, with minimal disruption noted during lessons. However, some pupils have expressed concerns regarding the fairness of certain sanctions within the behavior policy, prompting leaders to review these measures.
The curriculum at Healing Academy is ambitious and designed to meet the needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. It covers the national curriculum and, in some areas, extends beyond it. Leaders have carefully sequenced the curriculum to ensure that important knowledge is taught in a logical order. Teachers possess strong subject knowledge, and in most subjects, the delivery aligns with the school’s ambitions. However, there are instances where the activities used in lessons do not fully support the intended learning outcomes, resulting in some pupils not making the progress they could.
Pupils achieve good outcomes in external examinations by the end of Year 11, with their progress generally in line with national averages. However, disadvantaged pupils do not progress as well as their peers, and the school has implemented strategies to address this issue. Evidence suggests that these strategies are beginning to have a positive impact.
The school promotes a love of reading through various initiatives, including a before-school reading club. While the school effectively identifies pupils who struggle with reading, it has been noted that appropriate support is not consistently provided to help these pupils catch up with their peers. This is an area identified for improvement.
Pupils with special educational needs are well supported, with each having a ‘pupil passport’ that outlines strategies to meet their needs. The school has a strong attendance record, with figures above national averages, and has successfully reduced the number of pupils who are persistently absent.
The personal development curriculum is comprehensive, covering essential topics such as healthy relationships and the importance of protected characteristics. Pupils also have access to a robust careers program, allowing them to engage with representatives from various industries.
While many parents express satisfaction with the school, some feel disconnected due to changes implemented over time. The school leadership is aware of this and is working to improve communication with parents to foster better engagement.
The inspection concluded that the arrangements for safeguarding are effective, ensuring that pupils feel safe and supported. Overall, Healing Academy has made significant strides in improving its educational provision, but there are still areas that require attention to ensure all pupils can achieve their full potential.