Garforth Academy, located in Leeds, West Yorkshire, was inspected from December 5 to December 6, 2013, and received an overall effectiveness rating of outstanding. This was the school's first inspection since its establishment. The academy has consistently maintained academic standards that are well above average for several years. The most able students excel, achieving the highest grades in their GCSEs across various subjects. The majority of students demonstrate at least good progress in English and mathematics, with many making outstanding progress. All student groups, including those with disabilities, special educational needs, and those receiving pupil premium funding, achieve well. The sixth form is also rated outstanding, with excellent teaching driving improvements in standards and progress, although Year 13 students do not progress as rapidly as those in Year 12.
The quality of teaching is exceptional, characterized by teachers' high expectations and expertise in their subject areas. Lessons are meticulously planned to meet individual student needs, and while teachers mark work regularly, there is room for improvement in ensuring students respond to feedback. Student behavior in classrooms is exemplary, with a strong culture of collaboration and hard work. The leadership at Garforth Academy is aspirational, with a clear vision for continuous improvement. The governing body plays a crucial role in supporting and challenging the school, demonstrating a strong understanding of performance data.
During the inspection, 42 lessons were observed, and meetings were held with various stakeholders, including the Chief Executive Officer of the Schools Partnership Trust, students, and staff. The inspectors also reviewed the school's records on pupil progress, behavior, and safeguarding. The academy is larger than average, with a smaller proportion of students requiring special educational support compared to national averages. The majority of students come from White British backgrounds, and the school meets government floor standards for pupil attainment and progress.
To further improve, the school aims to ensure that all students effectively respond to teachers' written comments and that Year 13 students make progress comparable to other year groups. The inspection concluded that the achievement of pupils is outstanding, with results showing a significant proportion of students gaining five or more GCSEs at grades A* to C, including English and mathematics. The progress made by students in various subjects is commendable, with strong relationships between teachers and students fostering an engaging learning environment.
The quality of teaching is outstanding, with a significant amount of good and outstanding practices observed. Teachers create a motivating atmosphere through engaging activities and effective questioning, which promotes independent learning. The behavior and safety of pupils are also outstanding, with students expressing confidence in their safety and well-being at the academy. The student council actively participates in school life, contributing to students' spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development.
Leadership and management at all levels are outstanding, with a shared commitment to excellence among staff. The academy effectively uses performance data to target support for students who may be underperforming. The curriculum is regularly adjusted to meet student needs, and the school collaborates with local businesses to enhance vocational training opportunities. Overall, Garforth Academy exemplifies a high standard of education, preparing students well for their future endeavors.