Yardley Primary School, located in London, has recently undergone an inspection by Ofsted on the 17th and 18th of October 2023. The school has received an overall effectiveness rating of outstanding, reflecting its commitment to providing a high-quality education. The inspection evaluated various aspects of the school, including the quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision, all of which were rated as outstanding.
The headteacher, Chris Evans, leads the school, which is part of the RAY Schools Trust. The trust is overseen by CEO Matt Hanks and a board of trustees chaired by Caroline Edwards. Yardley Primary School has not been previously inspected under section five of the Education Act 2005, but it was previously judged to be outstanding before its conversion to an academy.
Pupils at Yardley Primary School are reported to be safe, happy, and achieving very well. The school fosters a culture of high expectations and a strong sense of community. The teaching staff is described as caring, experienced, and knowledgeable, providing an ambitious curriculum that begins in the early years. The school ensures that pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) have access to the same rich curriculum as their peers.
Behavior among pupils is exemplary, with students taking pride in their work and demonstrating strong learning habits from an early age. The staff's familiarity with the pupils allows for tailored support, ensuring that each child feels safe and can express any concerns. Parents and carers appreciate the approachable nature of the staff and the regular communication from the school, contributing to a positive school community.
The curriculum at Yardley Primary School is ambitious, interesting, and well-structured, allowing pupils to learn and retain knowledge effectively. Leaders have thoughtfully organized subject content to help pupils make connections within and across subjects. For instance, scientific knowledge is applied in personal, social, and health education lessons. The curriculum is further enhanced by carefully planned trips that complement classroom learning.
Teachers are skilled in assessing pupils' understanding, enabling them to identify those who require additional support quickly. This approach allows for differentiated tasks in subjects like mathematics and English, ensuring that all pupils progress effectively. The strong subject knowledge of teachers contributes to exceptional outcomes in reading, writing, and mathematics, with SEND pupils receiving excellent support.
Reading is prioritized throughout the school, starting in the early years. Pupils are taught phonics in a structured manner, enabling them to decode words quickly. Those needing extra help with reading receive timely and effective one-on-one support, fostering fluency.
The school maintains high expectations for pupil behavior, which are consistently met. Pupils are polite, respectful, and supportive of one another, creating a positive atmosphere. They feel safe and are encouraged to share any concerns with adults. Attendance levels are consistently high, reflecting the positive environment.
Beyond academics, the school emphasizes personal development through its PSHE program, teaching essential life skills. Pupils engage with a diverse range of literature and learn about values such as tolerance and respect. The variety of extracurricular clubs available allows pupils to explore new interests and talents.
Staff at Yardley Primary School receive strong support, including early career teachers who benefit from the guidance of experienced colleagues. The trustees and governors are well-informed about the school and share the ambition to ensure it remains a vital part of the community it serves. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. Overall, Yardley Primary School exemplifies excellence in education, providing a nurturing and enriching experience for its students.