Priorslee Academy, located in Telford, Shropshire, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on April 26 and 27, 2022. The school is characterized by a positive and friendly atmosphere where pupils enjoy attending. Staff members are dedicated to supporting students, and parents appreciate the assistance provided to their children. The school fosters a strong sense of community, with pupils demonstrating a clear understanding of friendship and the importance of supporting one another.
Behavior among pupils is commendable across all areas of the school, and they particularly enjoy engaging in immersive learning experiences and off-site visits. The relationships between pupils and staff are built on respect and positivity, contributing to a safe environment where students feel comfortable seeking help when needed. The school has implemented measures to address any issues, including bullying, ensuring that pupils know they can rely on staff for support.
Recent leadership changes have led to a renewed emphasis on curriculum quality, resulting in a broad and balanced educational experience for pupils. Leaders are actively working to enhance foundation subjects and encourage all students to strive for their best. The curriculum is designed to meet the needs of the pupils, and there is a focus on teaching essential skills, including online safety, to help students navigate potential dangers in the digital world.
The leadership team has made significant strides in developing the curriculum over the past two years, with most subjects being well-structured. For instance, in mathematics, teachers utilize equipment to help pupils grasp concepts, while in physical education, a refreshed curriculum has been introduced to clarify the specific knowledge that students should acquire. However, there are still a few subjects, including physical education, where leaders have not thoroughly assessed the delivery of the curriculum, resulting in some pupils not making the progress they could.
Assessment practices across the curriculum have improved, with staff becoming more confident in evaluating pupils' learning. Teachers are now better equipped to identify gaps in understanding and adjust their teaching accordingly. The school has also revised its approach to phonics and early reading, ensuring that pupils practice their sounds regularly and receive support if they fall behind. The organization of reading materials has been revamped to align with the sounds being taught, aiding in the development of competent and confident readers.
In the early years, children receive a strong foundation for their educational journey, with well-trained staff addressing their needs effectively. The curriculum promotes essential communication and social skills, helping young children learn to interact positively with others. The school is committed to meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, providing tailored support to ensure their success.
Priorslee Academy offers a variety of curriculum experiences, including themed days and visits, which enrich pupils' understanding of the world around them. The school promotes diversity and encourages tolerance and respect among students, preparing them for future interactions in a diverse society. Staff collaboration is evident in the continuous improvement efforts, with governors actively seeking advice to enhance their oversight and responsibilities.
The safeguarding arrangements at Priorslee Academy are effective, with staff trained to recognize and address safety concerns. Regular training sessions for governors ensure they remain informed about safeguarding practices. Overall, while the school has made significant improvements, there is a need for leaders to further evaluate the implementation of curriculum changes and ensure that all staff are effectively teaching the planned curriculum. This will help maximize pupil progress and maintain the high standards that Priorslee Academy aims to uphold.