Weald of Kent Grammar School, located in Tonbridge, Kent, has undergone significant improvements since its previous inspection, which rated it as requiring improvement. The recent inspection, conducted on October 1 and 2, 2024, resulted in a commendable overall rating of good across all key areas, including the quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and sixth-form provision. The headteacher, Richard Booth, leads the school, which operates as a single-academy trust overseen by a board of trustees chaired by Chris Eades.
Pupils at Weald of Kent Grammar School appreciate the caring and nurturing environment fostered by the school. They express enthusiasm for the positive changes implemented over the past two years, particularly the cultural shift that has taken place. The school has established a clear system of rewards and consequences, contributing to a calm and settled atmosphere conducive to learning. The emphasis on pupil welfare is evident, with staff and students engaging positively, fostering trust and open communication regarding concerns, including bullying.
Academic achievement is a strong point for the school, with pupils and sixth-form students performing exceptionally well. The consistency of standards across both campuses is a priority for staff, who ensure that a broad range of extracurricular activities is available, including clubs for trampolining, robotics, and cooking. The introduction of a house system has further enhanced the sense of community among pupils.
Teachers at Weald of Kent Grammar School demonstrate a deep knowledge and enthusiasm for their subjects, which allows them to provide clear and insightful explanations. The curriculum encourages pupils to engage in deep thinking and scholarship, particularly in subjects like mathematics and English. The school promotes reading for pleasure, and students with English as an additional language receive strong support in developing their language skills. The sixth form benefits from high-quality reading lists that enhance students' understanding.
The school is committed to meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), ensuring they have access to the full breadth of learning opportunities. The performance of disadvantaged pupils is closely monitored, and the school has made strides in closing the attainment gap. However, attendance remains a challenge for some groups, particularly those with SEND, and the school is working to improve this aspect.
Weald of Kent Grammar School has transformed its personal, social, and health education (PSHE) provision, addressing relevant themes that impact pupils' lives. The careers education program has been updated, although some pupils feel they would benefit from additional guidance in making decisions about their future education.
Leadership at the school has been strategic and supportive, with staff feeling that changes have been implemented with consideration for their workload. The school culture has shifted positively, with leaders engaging openly with pupils and parents, ensuring their voices are heard in the educational process.
The safeguarding arrangements at Weald of Kent Grammar School are effective, contributing to a safe learning environment. Despite the overall positive outcomes, the school recognizes the need to continue developing its approach to monitoring and improving attendance for all pupil groups, particularly those with SEND. Additionally, the careers guidance program is still being embedded, and the school aims to ensure that all pupils feel confident in their transition to the next stage of their education. Overall, Weald of Kent Grammar School has made significant progress and continues to strive for excellence in its educational provision.