Ossett Academy and Sixth Form College, located in West Yorkshire, was inspected on 15 and 16 November 2022. The overall effectiveness of the school was rated as good, with the quality of education, personal development, sixth-form provision, and leadership and management also receiving good ratings. However, behaviour and attitudes were noted as requiring improvement. The school has maintained its previous inspection grade of good.
Pupils at Ossett Academy learn effectively and attend regularly, feeling safe in their environment. They are taught by knowledgeable teachers and retain much of what they learn, achieving well in formal examinations at key stages four and five. The school supports all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring they transition to appropriate post-school destinations. Leaders maintain high expectations, and while most pupils exhibit positive behaviour in lessons, there are concerns regarding the high number of detentions issued for minor incidents, which has led to frustration among students and their families. Leaders are aware of these issues and are working on plans to address them.
The curriculum at Ossett Academy is ambitious, covering all subjects in the national curriculum during key stage three and offering a selection of challenging subjects in key stage four. The sixth form curriculum is well-designed to meet students' needs, benefiting all pupils, including those with special educational needs. Subject leaders have established appropriate teaching plans that outline the skills and knowledge pupils should acquire. Teachers effectively use these plans to prepare lessons, and assessments are utilized to identify and address gaps in knowledge.
Behaviour in lessons is generally calm, with incidents of poor behaviour dealt with swiftly. The respectful atmosphere is a hallmark of the school, contributing to a conducive learning environment. However, the reliance on detentions as a disciplinary measure has not decreased, and leaders recognize the need to revisit this approach, especially in light of feedback from pupils and parents.
Pupils requiring additional support for reading receive appropriate help, and an internal referral process has been established for identifying those with special educational needs. Despite recent increases in the number of pupils with education, health, and care plans, the school faces challenges in recruiting support staff for the special educational needs department, leading to delays in providing necessary support in lessons.
The school promotes personal development through discussions on important topics during form time and offers appropriate careers information and guidance. The sixth form is well-managed, with a broad range of subjects and dedicated facilities, allowing students to thrive academically and prepare for high-quality destinations after graduation.
Leadership at Ossett Academy is characterized by mutual respect between staff and the principal, with trustees and governors providing valuable support and challenge. Teachers express pride in their work and have access to high-quality training opportunities. Communication with parents is regular, though some experience delays in receiving responses to their queries, particularly those related to special educational needs.
The safeguarding arrangements at the school are effective, with pupils feeling safe and being educated about potential risks. Leaders have made improvements to the school site to enhance safety and take appropriate action in response to safeguarding incidents. Overall, while Ossett Academy demonstrates many strengths, there are areas for improvement, particularly regarding behaviour management and communication with parents.