Prince Henry's High School, located in Evesham, Worcestershire, has received an outstanding rating in its recent inspection conducted on March 5 and 6, 2024. The school is led by headteacher Anthony Evans and operates under The Prince Henry’s High School Academy Trust, overseen by a board of trustees chaired by Stephen Butcher. This institution has maintained its outstanding status since its last inspection in May 2013, prior to which it was exempt from routine inspections due to its high performance.
The school prides itself on fostering a united and vibrant community where both staff and pupils exhibit a strong sense of belonging. Each morning, staff warmly greet students, emphasizing the importance of hard work, regular attendance, and exemplary behavior. The pupils respond positively, thriving academically and developing into responsible young adults. The classrooms are dynamic environments where students are encouraged to think critically, ask questions, and reflect on their learning experiences.
Pupils at Prince Henry's High School demonstrate courteous and respectful behavior, embodying the school's values. The institution promotes a culture of positivity and care, with students actively participating in leadership roles and contributing to the improvement of their school and local community. The school has established clear rules and expectations, which are upheld to maintain a positive atmosphere. When behavior does not meet these standards, the school takes fair and proportionate action.
The curriculum at Prince Henry's High School is broad and well-structured, allowing pupils to explore a variety of subjects. At key stage four, students receive guidance to select qualifications that align with their interests and aspirations, ensuring a well-rounded education. The sixth form offers a similarly diverse range of subjects, supported by an effective careers program that helps students make informed choices about their future paths.
The school is committed to delivering high-quality education across all subjects, with a carefully constructed curriculum that builds knowledge over time. Teachers are experts in their fields, adept at explaining concepts and addressing any misconceptions that may arise. This approach enables pupils to achieve exceptional results. Additionally, the school effectively supports students with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring their needs are identified and met from the outset.
Particular attention is given to the most vulnerable pupils through specialized programs such as the lodge and the bridge, which provide tailored academic support and help students reintegrate into school life. The sixth form is highlighted as a particularly strong aspect of the school, characterized by a culture of hard work and dedication, while also recognizing the pressures students face and providing necessary support.
The personal development curriculum is comprehensive, aiming to prepare pupils for life in modern Britain. It covers a range of important topics, including health and well-being, and promotes participation in various extracurricular activities. The school’s commitment to safeguarding is evident, with effective arrangements in place to protect students.
Overall, Prince Henry's High School exemplifies excellence in education, demonstrating a commitment to fostering a supportive and enriching environment for all its pupils. The school’s outstanding rating reflects its dedication to academic achievement, personal development, and community engagement, making it a model institution within the educational landscape.