Sponne School, located in Towcester, is a larger-than-average secondary academy that has recently undergone an inspection. The school has not been previously inspected and has received an overall effectiveness rating of outstanding. The achievement of pupils is also rated as outstanding, with students consistently making better than expected progress and rising attainment levels across the board. The quality of teaching is similarly outstanding, characterized by engaging and varied lessons that foster student involvement through group work and discussions. However, there are instances where the presentation of students' work lacks care, and this is not always addressed by teachers.
The behavior and safety of pupils are rated as good. Students demonstrate courteous behavior towards each other and adults, although they occasionally require reminders about appropriate conduct. The sixth form is noted for its outstanding performance, with students serving as role models for younger peers and making significant progress from their starting points. Leadership and management at all levels, including governance, are also rated as outstanding. The headteacher's inspirational leadership has fostered a culture of shared responsibility and commitment among staff, leading to rapid improvements in teaching and ensuring that students receive high-quality experiences that prepare them for life beyond the academy.
During the inspection, teaching was observed in 51 lessons across various subjects, and inspectors engaged with members of the governing body, staff, and students. A range of documents was reviewed, including performance data and meeting minutes. The school has a below-average proportion of students requiring additional support, and fewer students speak English as an additional language or come from minority ethnic backgrounds. The academy meets the government's current floor standards, which set minimum expectations for student progress and attainment.
To further improve, the school aims to ensure that students consistently take pride in their written work and present it neatly. Additionally, there is a focus on enhancing student behavior to achieve an outstanding rating by encouraging them to take responsibility for their actions without relying on adult intervention. The achievement of pupils is outstanding, with rising attainment and progress across all subjects, particularly in English and mathematics. Students from various backgrounds, including those eligible for the pupil premium, make excellent progress due to effective tracking and support.
The quality of teaching is outstanding, with teachers effectively engaging students and promoting active participation in their learning. Assessment information is utilized to tailor learning to individual needs, and students are encouraged to reflect on their learning processes. The sixth form continues this trend of active learning, with students engaging in collaborative discussions on complex topics. The behavior of students is generally good, although there are instances of minor disruptions that require staff intervention. Most students feel safe and have a good understanding of online safety and bullying prevention.
Overall, the leadership and management of the school are outstanding, with rigorous monitoring and evaluation processes in place. The curriculum is rich and meets the diverse needs of students, with a strong emphasis on personal, social, and health education. The arts, particularly music, are highly valued, providing students with opportunities for personal growth and cultural awareness. The sixth form leadership is also outstanding, ensuring that students receive the necessary support to succeed in their chosen paths. Safeguarding is prioritized, and the school meets all current requirements, reflecting its commitment to providing a safe and nurturing environment for all students.