Hartsdown Academy, located in Margate, Kent, has undergone significant improvements since its previous inspection, which rated it as requiring improvement. The recent inspection in December 2021 has resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good across all areas, including the quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and sixth-form provision. The school has fostered a positive environment where both staff and pupils feel a sense of pride and belonging. Parents have noted improvements in their children's confidence and learning, highlighting the supportive nature of the teaching staff.
Pupils at Hartsdown Academy are encouraged to aim high and are rewarded for demonstrating key values such as scholarship, teamwork, resilience, integrity, vision, and excellence, encapsulated in the school's STRIVE ethos. The school promotes a warm and welcoming atmosphere, valuing diversity and fostering strong relationships among pupils and staff. Behavior in the classroom is generally good, with minimal disruptions, allowing for effective learning. Pupils feel confident in approaching teachers with any issues, and while instances of bullying do occur, there are systems in place, including anti-bullying ambassadors, to address these concerns.
The school offers a variety of extracurricular activities, including sports clubs, science club, film club, LGBTQ+ club, and choir, along with participation in the Duke of Edinburgh's award scheme. The headteacher has a clear vision for the school, and leaders have focused on improving the curriculum and supporting staff, particularly early career teachers, who appreciate the guidance they receive.
The curriculum at Hartsdown Academy is well-structured, particularly at key stage three, where pupils are taught a broad range of subjects by a small group of teachers, allowing for personalized learning. However, there is a noted deficiency in the number of pupils studying modern foreign languages, which impacts their ability to achieve the English Baccalaureate. Leaders are aware of this issue and have plans to enhance language teaching in the future. The sixth-form program effectively combines vocational and academic studies, preparing students for their next steps in education or employment.
While the curriculum is generally well-planned and sequenced, there are inconsistencies in its implementation across subjects. Some teachers excel at assessing pupil understanding and adapting their teaching accordingly, while others may not check for understanding as thoroughly, leading to gaps in knowledge for some pupils. Leaders are working to ensure that assessment processes are robust across all subjects.
The school places a strong emphasis on reading, encouraging pupils to develop their vocabulary through regular reading practices. Support is provided for those who require additional help, ensuring that all pupils can improve their literacy skills. The personal development program is comprehensive, addressing important issues relevant to young people, including mental health and relationships. The careers program is well-organized, helping to raise aspirations among pupils.
Safeguarding measures at Hartsdown Academy are effective, with a strong culture of safety and well-trained staff who understand local risks. Pupils feel supported and know they can seek help when needed. Overall, while the school has made significant strides in many areas, it must continue to address the need for more pupils to study modern foreign languages and ensure consistent implementation of the curriculum across all subjects to further enhance educational outcomes.