Ofsted conducted a monitoring inspection of Saltash Community School on March 25, 2024, following two successive judgments of requires improvement. The purpose of this inspection was to assess the progress made by the school since its last graded inspection, rather than to provide an overall effectiveness grade. The inspection involved discussions with the acting headteacher, senior leaders, governors, and staff, as well as classroom visits and conversations with students about their experiences at the school.
The inspection found that while progress has been made, further work is necessary for the school to achieve a good rating. The leadership structure has undergone significant changes, with the acting headteacher stepping up from the deputy role and a new designated safeguarding lead appointed. This restructuring has led to improvements in curriculum planning, with greater consistency and clarity in lesson delivery. Staff are now more focused on what students need to learn, which has positively impacted students' retention of key knowledge across subjects.
The acting headteacher and the temporary deputy have made swift changes to the curriculum implementation, aided by external support that has strengthened middle leadership. This has resulted in a more consistent quality of teaching across different subjects and key stages. The drive to improve standards and raise expectations is evident, but there is a lack of understanding and support for these changes among some members of the school community. While some students appreciate the increased focus on learning, others feel that the new approaches are overly strict, indicating a need for better communication and engagement with students and parents.
The school’s efforts to enhance leadership and management have been less stable. The rapid improvement plan was slow to finalize, and its complexity has led to stretched leadership resources, leaving some improvements fragile. Consequently, while student outcomes are improving, they still fall short of expected levels. However, there have been positive developments in local governance, with governors providing effective challenge and support to school leaders, ensuring that the momentum of recent improvements is maintained.
The inspection highlighted the need for the school to enhance its engagement and communication with the community to ensure that the rationale behind decisions is well understood. This includes greater consultation with stakeholders to foster a supportive environment for the changes being implemented. The school is encouraged to continue building on its strengths while addressing the areas that require further development to secure a more robust improvement trajectory.
In summary, Saltash Community School has made notable progress since the last inspection, particularly in curriculum delivery and leadership structure. However, the school must work on fostering a deeper understanding and support for its initiatives among the community to ensure sustained improvement and better outcomes for its students. The commitment to raising standards and expectations is clear, but effective communication and engagement will be crucial in achieving the desired results.