The Brittons Academy, located in Rainham, Essex, has undergone significant improvements since its previous inspection, moving from an inadequate rating to an overall effectiveness rating of good. The inspection, conducted on October 5 and 6, 2022, highlighted the positive experiences of pupils who feel well cared for and supported by staff. Pupils expressed pride in their school and appreciated the respectful relationships they have with both peers and teachers. The academy promotes its PRIDE values, which emphasize being positive, respectful, independent, determined, and excellent, and these values are reflected in the behavior of students throughout the school.
Safety is a priority at The Brittons Academy, with pupils aware of whom to approach if they have concerns, including issues related to bullying. The school has effective measures in place to address any incidents of bullying promptly, and there is a clear understanding among pupils that discriminatory language is unacceptable. The leadership team has set high expectations for academic achievement and has made commendable provisions for students with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring they are well-prepared for future educational stages.
The curriculum offered at The Brittons Academy is broad and balanced, with subject leaders carefully planning the introduction of new content. This structured approach allows pupils to build essential knowledge progressively. For instance, in English, the curriculum introduces key concepts early on, which are then developed further in later years. Teachers generally support pupils in developing their knowledge effectively, utilizing quizzes to reinforce prior learning and maintaining high levels of motivation among students.
While the majority of teaching is effective, there are instances where teachers do not consolidate learning as thoroughly as possible, leading to some pupils struggling to secure their understanding. This is particularly evident when new content is introduced before pupils are fully prepared. The school has implemented measures to assess reading fluency upon entry, ensuring that those who need additional support receive it, including phonics instruction. Staff maintain high expectations for literacy and provide opportunities for pupils to engage in discussions confidently.
The support for pupils with special educational needs is thorough, with staff well-informed about individual needs and strategies to facilitate access to the curriculum. The personal, social, and health education curriculum equips pupils with essential life skills, including understanding diverse perspectives on relationships. However, participation in extracurricular activities is lower than desired, and leaders are encouraged to enhance engagement in these opportunities to support broader development.
Staff workload is manageable, and there is a strong sense of pride among teachers regarding their work environment and professional development opportunities. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with clear policies and procedures in place. Staff are well-trained to recognize signs of risk and work collaboratively with external agencies to support vulnerable pupils.
Despite the positive aspects, the school must focus on ensuring that all teachers have the expertise to check pupils' understanding accurately and to avoid moving on too quickly in lessons. Additionally, there is a need to promote greater participation in extracurricular activities to enrich pupils' educational experiences. Overall, The Brittons Academy has made commendable progress and continues to strive for improvement in various areas.