Ringwood School Academy is recognized as a good school, providing a high-quality education that places pupils at the center of its vision. The school emphasizes the importance of inspiring students to learn and supporting them to succeed. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, receive appropriate support to access the curriculum, which is designed to maintain high standards and expectations. Strong relationships between teachers and students contribute to the overall success of the pupils, many of whom continue their education in the sixth form, attracting students from other schools due to its broad subject choices and positive examination results.
The school fosters a sense of pride among pupils through its house system, which encourages them to take on ambassadorial roles and support younger students. Leaders actively seek pupil feedback, which has led to enhancements in facilities and opportunities. The diverse range of sporting, artistic, and dramatic activities available helps to build pupils' confidence and enrich their educational experiences. Overall, pupils report feeling happy and safe, with good behavior and mutual respect evident throughout the school community. While the school takes bullying seriously, some stakeholders feel that it is not always addressed effectively, which can undermine confidence in the school's response.
The curriculum at Ringwood School is a notable strength, being ambitious, inclusive, and well-structured. It offers a wide array of subjects at key stages four and five, ensuring that pupils build a solid foundation for future learning and examination courses. Pupils enjoy their lessons, appreciating the relevance of the examples used by teachers, which challenge their thinking. Consistent assessment practices contribute positively to learning, with teachers effectively using recall tasks to provide immediate feedback and address any misconceptions.
Leaders are committed to fostering a love of reading across the school, although the impact of their initiatives is still developing, particularly for a small group of disadvantaged pupils. The new approach to enhancing literacy and oracy is in its early stages. In the sixth form, students perform exceptionally well and value the high-quality teaching and individual support they receive, including tailored careers advice that prepares them for their next steps, whether that be university, apprenticeships, or employment.
The school’s careers program is well-regarded, with teachers integrating discussions about various career paths into lessons. The successful careers fair provides comprehensive information about different pathways, including technical and vocational options. Leaders and teachers are dedicated to enriching pupils' learning through diverse extracurricular opportunities, including international trips that enhance social and cultural development.
Staff at Ringwood School benefit from a supportive and collaborative environment, with leaders considering their workload and well-being. New staff and early career teachers receive commendable support, contributing to a positive workplace culture. The arrangements for safeguarding are effective, with a strong ethos that prioritizes pupil safety and well-being. Staff are attentive to pupils' concerns and work closely with local authorities to provide necessary support.
Despite the school's many strengths, there are areas for improvement. A minority of pupils and parents feel that bullying is not adequately addressed, which can affect overall confidence in the school's management. Additionally, the efforts to support all pupils in developing strong reading skills need to be fully embedded to ensure that all students can progress effectively. Overall, Ringwood School Academy continues to provide a good educational experience, with a commitment to ongoing improvement and pupil success.