South Craven School, located in Cross Hills, Keighley, West Yorkshire, was inspected on February 2 and 3, 2023. The school received an overall effectiveness rating of Good, with similar ratings in the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and sixth-form provision. This inspection marked the first routine evaluation since the school was last rated Outstanding nine years ago, reflecting changes in the inspection framework and the educational landscape since that time.
The school is characterized by a welcoming and inclusive environment, where the motto valuing all our successes emphasizes the importance of individual achievements. Pupils report feeling happy and safe, with rare instances of bullying that are promptly addressed by staff. High expectations from leaders foster a calm and sensible atmosphere, with pupils demonstrating strong attitudes towards learning and hard work. The sixth-form students are encouraged to be ambitious in their future endeavors, supported by staff who are invested in their success.
South Craven School offers a wide range of extracurricular activities that engage pupils and promote their interests. The weekly bulletin, This is South Craven. This is me, highlights opportunities for debate and discussion, allowing pupils to reflect on current issues and build confidence. The curriculum is designed thoughtfully, with leaders focusing on essential knowledge and skills across most subjects. Teachers utilize strong subject knowledge to reinforce significant themes, ensuring that pupils can connect their learning effectively.
However, the inspection identified areas for improvement, particularly in subjects like history and science, where curriculum development is less robust. This has resulted in some pupils struggling to deepen their understanding and make connections between their learning. Leaders are encouraged to enhance the curriculum in these areas to ensure all pupils can build on their knowledge effectively.
The school prioritizes support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), ensuring they follow the same curriculum as their peers. Leaders provide teachers with clear information about these pupils, contributing to effective support. Despite this, attendance rates for pupils with SEND and those from disadvantaged backgrounds remain lower than their peers. Leaders are taking steps to improve attendance but need to monitor the effectiveness of their actions more closely.
Reading is a key focus at South Craven School, with daily reading sessions in tutor time and various programs to support weaker readers. However, the culture of reading among pupils is still developing, and leaders recognize the need for further initiatives to foster a love of reading.
The school promotes character development and learning habits through tutor time, assemblies, and performance lessons, covering topics such as equality and diversity. Pupils receive impartial careers guidance from Year 7 to Year 13, with partnerships established with employers and educational institutions to help them make informed choices about their futures.
Safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff trained to identify and report concerns regarding pupil safety. Leaders collaborate with external agencies to provide necessary support for pupils and their families. Overall, South Craven School demonstrates a commitment to providing a supportive and enriching educational experience, while also recognizing the need for ongoing development in specific areas to enhance pupil outcomes.