Ofsted conducted a monitoring inspection of Minehead Middle School on 22 October 2024, following the school's designation of serious weaknesses after a graded inspection in January 2023. The purpose of this inspection was to assess the progress made by the school since the last visit and to identify improvements. The inspection involved discussions with the headteacher, senior leadership team, interim chief executive officer of the trust, interim director of education, and trustees. Additionally, school documentation, including improvement plans and external reports, was evaluated, and meetings were held with middle leaders and students.
The findings indicate that while progress has been made, further work is required for the school to no longer be classified as having serious weaknesses. Since the last monitoring visit in June, the senior leadership team has expanded with the appointment of an assistant headteacher focused on enhancing teaching and learning standards. The school is now fully staffed, which has allowed for a more coherent vision for improvement to be communicated effectively. The trust's ongoing merger with another trust has provided well-brokered support, contributing positively to the school's development.
The stability in staffing has enabled the leadership team to reduce the need for lesson coverage, allowing for better professional development aligned with school priorities. Structures have been introduced to enhance the expertise of middle leaders, leading to increased staff confidence and stronger relationships between pupils and teachers. The leadership has also initiated a cycle of curriculum monitoring and review, which is in its early stages but aims to inform future training and development areas. Attention is being given to the provision for students with special educational needs and/or disabilities, with processes in place to identify and support their needs.
The school has implemented a structured approach to behavior management, which is beginning to take root. Staff and students understand the behavior system, and most teachers are applying it consistently. Positive changes in pupil behavior have been observed, with a decrease in low-level disruptions during lessons. However, some older students still exhibit challenging behaviors, although the number is decreasing. The introduction of a reset room is planned to further support students and reduce internal exclusions.
Leaders have improved their reporting to trustees, resulting in more precise oversight and challenge. Efforts to build trust and strengthen relationships with parents are ongoing, with better communication systems and events designed to invite stakeholder feedback. External scrutiny and auditing have been welcomed, leading to concise school development plans that clearly outline the next steps for improvement. The leadership team is acting promptly to implement changes, demonstrating a commitment to rapid improvement.
Overall, while there are positive developments at Minehead Middle School, the journey towards removing the serious weaknesses designation is ongoing. The leadership team is focused on creating a sustainable culture of improvement, and with continued effort and support, the school is on a path toward enhanced educational outcomes for its students.