Hummersknott Academy is a secondary school located in Darlington, County Durham, which has recently undergone an inspection. The school has shown significant improvement since its previous inspection, moving from a grade of Requires Improvement to an overall effectiveness rating of Good. The inspection took place on the 28th and 29th of September 2021, and the findings reflect positively on various aspects of the school’s operations.
The school is characterized by a happy and inclusive environment, where students feel safe and supported. The structure of the school includes five colleges, each fostering a strong sense of community. Older students take on mentoring roles to assist younger pupils in acclimating to school life. The school has effective measures in place to address bullying, which is reported to be rare, and both parents and students appreciate the high-quality pastoral care provided by college managers.
Hummersknott Academy offers a broad range of academic and vocational subjects, ensuring that all students have equal opportunities to succeed. The curriculum is designed to be ambitious and inclusive, catering for the needs of disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and disabilities. Students are encouraged to make choices about their studies in Years 10 and 11, and life skills lessons are integrated into the curriculum to promote mental well-being and healthy relationships.
The leadership team at Hummersknott Academy has high expectations for both students and staff, which is reflected in the overall positive behavior of pupils. While most students conduct themselves well, a small number struggle to meet the school’s behavior standards, leading to occasional suspensions. The school is committed to addressing these behavioral issues and ensuring that all students adhere to the expected standards.
The curriculum is well-structured, allowing students to build on their prior knowledge and revisit important content regularly. This approach helps students to retain information and develop a deeper understanding of their subjects. The special educational needs coordinator has effectively identified the needs of students with SEND, providing excellent pastoral care and ensuring that teachers are well-informed on how to support these pupils. However, there is a need for further adaptation of the curriculum for some students with cognition and learning needs, which the leadership team is actively working to improve.
Reading is emphasized across the curriculum, with opportunities for students to engage with a variety of texts. Support is available for those who require assistance with their reading skills, including small group sessions. The professional development of teachers is prioritized, and staff appreciate the training and opportunities to share best practices, which has led to improvements in teaching quality.
The school’s commitment to personal development is evident through a wealth of opportunities for students to learn about diverse cultures and the importance of democracy. Extracurricular activities are resuming after disruptions caused by the pandemic, and careers education is a notable strength, with the school meeting the requirements of the Baker Clause.
The safeguarding arrangements at Hummersknott Academy are effective, with all staff understanding their responsibilities in this area. Leaders work diligently to ensure that vulnerable students receive the necessary support, and there is a strong collaboration with external agencies to provide additional assistance when needed.
In summary, Hummersknott Academy has made commendable progress since its last inspection, demonstrating a clear vision for improvement and a commitment to providing a high-quality education for all students. The school’s focus on personal development, academic success, and a supportive environment positions it well for continued success in the future.