Ofsted conducted a monitoring inspection of Pewsey Vale School on 26 June 2024, following two successive judgments of requires improvement. The purpose of this inspection was to assess the progress made by the school since its last graded inspection, rather than to provide an overall effectiveness grade. The inspection involved discussions with the headteacher and senior leaders, a review of school improvement documents, lesson observations, work scrutiny, and meetings with the special educational needs coordinator, pupils, and teachers.
The findings indicate that while progress has been made, further work is necessary for the school to achieve a good rating. Leaders have taken steps to address the areas of improvement identified in the previous inspection report. Notably, the school has begun arrangements to join a multi-academy trust, which may enhance its support and resources. The introduction of preferred pedagogies aims to help pupils retain knowledge more effectively, and significant changes have been made in the assessment processes. These initiatives are starting to positively impact the quality of education, but their implementation is inconsistent, leading to variable learning experiences for pupils.
The school has improved its identification of struggling readers, ensuring they receive appropriate support, which has yielded positive results. However, there is still a need for teachers to be more aware of the individual needs of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities to tailor their teaching accordingly. The governance of the school has also seen improvements, with an external review commissioned to enhance the skills of governors in challenging and holding leaders accountable, particularly regarding pupil outcomes. Quality assurance and self-evaluation processes have become more systematic and accurate, and middle leaders are developing their capacity to drive improvements in their respective curriculum areas.
Despite these advancements, the expectations for pupils are not consistently high, which affects the quality of their work and behavior. While most pupils demonstrate positive attitudes towards school, the inconsistency in expectations can lead to lapses in their performance. The relationships between staff and pupils remain a strength of the school, contributing to a supportive learning environment.
Following the previous inspection, the Department for Education's regional director recommended that the school engage with external partners, including multi-academy trusts, to support its improvement efforts. The school has been open and reflective throughout this process, and collaboration with one multi-academy trust is ongoing.
In summary, Pewsey Vale School has made notable progress since the last inspection, addressing key areas for improvement and implementing new strategies to enhance educational quality. However, the school must continue to work on establishing consistent high expectations for all pupils and ensuring that changes are uniformly applied across the school. The ongoing support from external partners and the commitment of school leaders and staff will be crucial in driving further improvements and ultimately achieving a good rating in future inspections.