Ofsted conducted a monitoring inspection of Rossett School on January 23, 2024, following two successive judgments of requires improvement. The purpose of this inspection was to assess the progress made by the school since its last graded inspection, rather than to provide an overall effectiveness grade. The inspection involved discussions with the headteacher, the chief executive officer, and members of the interim executive board, as well as observations of lessons and reviews of pupils' work.
Since Timothy Milburn's appointment as headteacher in September 2023, significant changes have been implemented at the school, including its integration into the Red Kite Learning Trust. The establishment of an interim executive board has strengthened governance and provided support to school leaders. Improvements in the school’s priorities are beginning to take root, leading to a better quality of education for pupils.
One notable area of progress is in pupil behavior. Leaders have raised expectations regarding conduct, and a new lesson structure has positively impacted classroom engagement. Disruptions to learning have decreased, and internal truancy incidents have significantly reduced. However, while the number of suspensions has increased this academic year, the interim executive board is closely monitoring these trends. A minority of pupils still exhibit challenging behavior, and leaders acknowledge the need for further development in managing these issues.
Attendance has become a sharper focus for school leaders, with key members of the senior leadership team meeting weekly to analyze attendance data and coordinate actions. Despite improvements, some pupils, particularly those who are disadvantaged or have special educational needs, remain persistently absent. Leaders recognize the need to enhance attendance further and have identified it as a key area for improvement.
The school has also acknowledged that some pupils, especially disadvantaged ones, have not performed well in end-of-key-stage assessments. In response, the school has implemented plans to address these issues, including supporting teachers in using consistent strategies to engage pupils and check their understanding. Observations during the inspection indicated that lessons were purposeful, and pupils were focused, benefiting from a curriculum designed to enhance their knowledge retention.
Improvement plans are in place to address the next steps identified in the previous inspection, and these plans are monitored by school leaders, the interim executive board, and the trust. External support has been accessed to review the curriculum and attendance systems, contributing to the school’s rapid improvement. However, leaders are aware that further work is needed to enhance published outcomes, particularly for disadvantaged pupils, and to increase overall attendance rates.
The inspection findings indicate that while Rossett School has made progress, additional efforts are required to achieve a good rating. The leadership team is committed to ongoing improvements, and the school is on a path toward better educational outcomes for its pupils. The letter detailing these findings will be shared with relevant stakeholders, including the chair of the board of trustees and the regional director of the Department for Education. The commitment to transparency and accountability is evident as the school continues to strive for excellence in education.