Haybridge High School and Sixth Form, located in Hagley, Worcestershire, has been inspected by Ofsted, receiving an overall effectiveness rating of good. The inspection took place on September 28 and 29, 2022, marking the first routine inspection since the school became an academy. The school is characterized by high academic achievement, respectful behavior, and positive relationships among students and staff. Leaders at the school have set high ambitions for all pupils, which is reflected in the students' enjoyment of learning and their courteous demeanor. The interactions between staff and pupils are marked by friendliness and respect, contributing to a positive school environment.
Pupils demonstrate strong behavior, working diligently and aiming for success. The lessons are described as calm and orderly, with sixth-form students serving as exemplary role models for younger peers. The school has a zero-tolerance policy towards bullying, and pupils feel confident that any issues will be addressed promptly. The emphasis on mental well-being is evident, with leaders prioritizing the mental health of all students.
The school offers a broad range of extracurricular activities that enhance learning beyond the classroom, including trips, visits, and clubs. Pupils have expressed enjoyment in various activities, such as the robotics club and school theatre productions. Senior leaders have developed an ambitious curriculum that includes a wide array of subjects, ensuring that all pupils, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds and those with special educational needs, are expected to study a modern foreign language.
While the curriculum is well-structured in most subjects, there are areas where clarity is still being developed. Leaders are aware of this and are actively supporting subject leaders to improve. The provision for pupils with special educational needs is generally effective, with staff providing targeted support to help these pupils succeed. However, there are instances where the work provided does not always match the needs of these pupils, leading to disengagement.
Teachers effectively adapt learning to consider pupils' prior knowledge, which helps students retain information over time. This approach is particularly successful in subjects like English, mathematics, and art. Assessment practices are also strong, with teachers using various strategies to gauge understanding and adjust their teaching accordingly. As a result, pupils and students typically achieve high standards.
Pupils conduct themselves well, with clear expectations for behavior understood by all. Disruptions in lessons are rare, allowing for uninterrupted learning. Reading is actively promoted, with initiatives such as tutor reads and reading buddies for younger students. Leaders respond quickly to support pupils who may struggle with reading.
Despite the wide range of extracurricular opportunities, participation rates are not as high as desired, and leaders are working to increase engagement in these activities. The personal development of pupils is well-supported, with a focus on mental well-being and kindness. The school provides a comprehensive careers program, ensuring that students are well-prepared for their future paths.
Senior leaders possess a thorough understanding of the school's strengths and weaknesses, allowing for prompt improvements where necessary. Staff express strong support for leadership and take pride in their work at the school. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff trained to recognize and respond to concerns, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. Overall, Haybridge High School and Sixth Form demonstrates a commitment to high standards in education and student well-being.