The Cheadle Academy, located in Stoke-on-Trent, underwent an inspection in May 2019 and received a rating of good across all areas, including leadership and management, teaching quality, personal development, behavior, welfare, and pupil outcomes. The headteacher and senior leaders have implemented decisive actions since the previous inspection, which was rated inadequate. Their commitment to improvement has led to significant enhancements in the school environment and academic performance, despite some middle leaders being relatively new to their roles. The school is characterized by a strong sense of pride among pupils, who demonstrate respect and courtesy towards one another and visitors.
Leaders possess a clear understanding of the school's strengths and areas needing development. They are aware of the challenges ahead and are focused on further improving pupil outcomes. The school prioritizes a pupil-centered approach, ensuring that students receive comprehensive care and support. Governors are actively involved in the school's progress, providing a balance of challenge and support while maintaining a thorough understanding of the school's performance.
The sixth-form provision is also rated as good, with most students achieving results that allow them to progress to the next stage of their education. The overall behavior of pupils is commendable, contributing to a positive learning environment. Teaching quality is generally good, with teachers engaging pupils through well-planned activities. However, there are still disparities in the performance of disadvantaged pupils compared to their peers, although this gap is narrowing. Attendance rates are improving due to targeted interventions aimed at reducing absenteeism.
While the school has made strides in many areas, leaders recognize that further work is needed in subjects such as science, mathematics, and modern foreign languages, where performance has not been as strong. Plans are in place to address these issues, and early signs of improvement are evident. Additionally, there is a need for more opportunities for pupils to learn about diverse cultures and faiths beyond the current curriculum.
The inspection concluded that the school no longer requires special measures, reflecting the significant progress made since the last evaluation. To continue this trajectory of improvement, the school must embed the changes in teaching and learning, particularly for disadvantaged learners, and ensure that all pupils achieve their potential. The focus will also be on enhancing the curriculum to provide a broader understanding of different cultures and faiths, thereby enriching the educational experience for all students. Overall, the Cheadle Academy is on a positive path, with strong leadership, a supportive environment, and a commitment to continuous improvement in educational outcomes for its pupils.