Christ Church Academy in Stone, Staffordshire, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on January 26 and 27, 2022. The school promotes Christian values such as forgiveness, friendship, compassion, trust, and thankfulness, which are effectively integrated into all aspects of school life. This approach fosters respectful relationships between staff and pupils, contributing to a positive learning environment where students are happy and engaged in their education. The atmosphere within the school is calm and orderly, with good behavior observed both in lessons and throughout the school. When behavioral issues arise, pupils feel that the established systems for addressing them are fair and effective. Instances of bullying are rare, and staff are proactive in managing any occurrences.
The leadership team at Christ Church Academy has high expectations for student achievement. Pupils benefit from being taught primarily by specialist teachers, which enhances their learning outcomes. A notable strength of the school is its commitment to developing responsible and active citizens. Pupils are encouraged to take on various roles and responsibilities, such as peer mentors and sports leaders, and they actively participate in community events, demonstrating their commitment to societal contribution.
The school offers a diverse range of trips and extracurricular activities, including visits to France and local attractions, as well as clubs for choir, mindfulness, Spanish, drama, and sports. These opportunities are highly valued by pupils, enriching their educational experience. The curriculum is well-structured and sequenced, ensuring that all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, have access to a comprehensive range of subjects. Subject leaders collaborate with local first schools and a high school to ensure continuity in learning, preparing pupils effectively for their transition to secondary education.
Teachers utilize assessment information to identify learning gaps and check pupils' understanding through questioning. However, there are occasions when opportunities to deepen pupils' knowledge through questioning are missed. While pupils generally make progress, some do not consistently respond to feedback, which can hinder their development. The school prioritizes reading, with a welcoming library and dedicated reading lessons, ensuring that pupils receive the support they need to become confident readers.
The school provides good care and support for pupils with special educational needs, although the information in pupil passports is not always precise enough to fully support their learning. Leaders are aware of this and are working to improve the accuracy of the information provided. Careers education begins in Year 7, helping pupils make informed choices about their future education.
Leaders consider staff well-being and workload, providing support for both professional and personal challenges. The governing body is well-informed and offers a balanced approach of support and challenge to school leaders. Safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff trained to prioritize pupil welfare and report concerns confidently.
Overall, Christ Church Academy continues to demonstrate its commitment to providing a good education, fostering a supportive environment for both pupils and staff. The school is well-positioned to build on its strengths while addressing areas for improvement, particularly in ensuring that all pupils respond to feedback and that the information provided for those with special educational needs is precise and actionable.