Stratford School Academy, located in Forest Gate, London, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on 12 and 13 October 2022. The school provides a calm and supportive environment where pupils learn effectively and take pride in their work. The leadership has organized the school across two sites, allowing for smaller school settings that enable teachers and leaders to know their pupils well and cater to their individual needs. Pupils exhibit respectful behavior towards adults and peers, and instances of bullying are rare and addressed promptly, contributing to a sense of safety within the school.
The curriculum is well-structured and delivered by knowledgeable teachers, ensuring that pupils achieve strong outcomes and are prepared for future educational or training opportunities. This includes support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, who are integrated into the broader curriculum with appropriate adaptations when necessary. Beyond the classroom, pupils have access to various extracurricular activities, including clubs for cookery, drama, and sports, as well as opportunities for involvement in school governance through an active school council.
The school excels in its curriculum design, which is carefully sequenced to reinforce learning and retention. Leaders have implemented additional teaching activities for older pupils, including a popular Saturday school, enhancing their educational experience. Teachers frequently revisit prior learning in lessons, although there are occasions when checking for understanding could be improved to ensure misconceptions are addressed swiftly. The school prioritizes reading, with well-utilized libraries and targeted support for pupils needing assistance.
Pupils demonstrate positive attitudes towards learning, reflected in high attendance rates and orderly behavior in lessons and throughout the school. Leaders and teachers maintain high expectations, and pupils report that bullying is infrequent, with trust in staff to handle any issues effectively. Discriminatory language is not tolerated, fostering an inclusive environment.
The school places significant emphasis on the wider development of pupils, teaching them about physical and mental well-being and age-appropriate relationship issues. Careers education is progressively detailed, with Year 11 pupils receiving personalized guidance on post-school options. Leadership opportunities are encouraged, and all pupils have access to extracurricular trips and clubs.
Governance is strong, with governors sharing the leadership's vision and maintaining an accurate understanding of the school's strengths and areas for improvement. They utilize data to assess the impact of initiatives and welcome external reviews of their practices. Staff receive comprehensive training and support, contributing to a positive work environment where they feel proud to be part of the school community.
Safeguarding measures are effective, with leaders prioritizing the safety of all pupils. Regular external reviews of safeguarding procedures ensure that staff are well-trained and that vulnerable pupils receive necessary support. Staff are equipped to identify and report concerns, and pupils know they have trusted adults to approach with any issues.
To further enhance the quality of education, the school should focus on improving the consistency of teachers' checks on pupils' understanding to prevent misconceptions from going unaddressed. This will enable pupils to learn and retain more effectively across all subjects. Overall, Stratford School Academy continues to provide a supportive and effective educational experience for its pupils.