Bungay High School, located in Suffolk, continues to be recognized as a good school following its inspection on November 9 and 10, 2021. The school fosters a friendly community where students take pride in their achievements. Pupils express that the environment is inspiring and supportive, encouraging them to seek help when needed. The school atmosphere is vibrant, with students showing enthusiasm for their lessons. Leadership at the school maintains high expectations, offering a diverse range of academic and vocational subjects accessible to all students. Most pupils feel comfortable making mistakes and learning from them, contributing to their overall success.
Safety is a priority at Bungay High School, with strong relationships between staff and students. Both groups value open communication, and pupils appreciate the support they receive from teachers in addressing issues beyond academics. Instances of bullying are infrequent, and when they do occur, staff are proactive in addressing them. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, school leaders are actively working to restore extracurricular activities and events, helping new Year 7 students adjust after a disrupted transition from primary school.
The school excels in curriculum design, with senior leaders implementing a structured approach that subject leaders follow. They create engaging learning pathways, referred to as snake journeys, which help students reflect on their learning journey. Teachers demonstrate strong subject knowledge and effectively deliver the ambitious curriculum, resulting in high achievement among pupils. Assessment practices are robust, allowing teachers to tailor support to individual student needs.
However, the school faces challenges in increasing the number of pupils entering for the English Baccalaureate qualifications, particularly in modern foreign languages. The uptake of these subjects is lower than desired, impacting overall achievement in this area. The sixth form is growing, and leaders have applied the same careful planning to its curriculum as they have in other areas. Sixth-form students report positive experiences and often take on leadership roles within the school community.
Reading is a key focus for the school, particularly in Years 7, 8, and 9, where dedicated reading time is incorporated into lessons. This initiative has successfully fostered a love for reading among younger pupils. However, this enthusiasm does not carry over as strongly into Years 10 and 11, where some older students show less interest in reading for pleasure.
Support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities is effective, ensuring they have access to the same curriculum as their peers. Teachers make necessary adaptations to facilitate their learning, and the school has a resource base for deaf pupils, allowing for full integration in lessons. Positive relationships between these pupils and their teachers contribute to their enjoyment of school and aspirations for the future.
Since September 2021, there has been an improvement in behavior, with positive feedback from pupils, staff, and parents. This has led to a more conducive learning environment with minimal disruption. The school also emphasizes the importance of healthy relationships, equipping pupils with the skills to discuss personal issues openly. The personal, social, and health education program is comprehensive, extending beyond academics to include various clubs and activities that have resumed post-pandemic.
The safeguarding arrangements at Bungay High School are effective, with a culture of vigilance established among staff. Leaders ensure that all adults working with students are properly vetted, and they collaborate with external agencies to support vulnerable pupils. Overall, while the school demonstrates many strengths, it must continue to address the challenges in modern foreign language uptake and further embed a culture of reading among older students to enhance its educational offerings.