Newport Community School Primary Academy, located in Barnstaple, was inspected on 10-11 February 2015 and received an overall effectiveness rating of outstanding. This was the school's first inspection since converting to an academy in August 2011. The leadership and management of the school are exceptional, with an inspiring headteacher and dedicated leaders who effectively meet the needs of the community. Pupils achieve above average by the end of Year 2, and all groups, including disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs, make rapid progress, resulting in well above average attainment by Year 6.
The early years provision is outstanding, providing children with an excellent start to their education. The innovative curriculum offers rich learning opportunities across various subjects, and extra-curricular activities are well attended, enhancing pupils' enjoyment of school life. The school promotes spiritual, moral, social, and cultural education, fostering a nurturing environment that prepares pupils for life in modern Britain. Governors maintain high expectations for the school and regularly challenge leaders, contributing to the improvement in teaching quality and pupil achievement.
Pupils feel safe and well cared for, and both pupils and parents appreciate the school's commitment to safety. Behaviour is exemplary, with pupils supporting one another and older students taking responsibility for younger ones. The teaching is outstanding, inspiring pupils to excel in all areas of learning. However, some parents have expressed concerns regarding the appropriateness of the homework assigned. Overall, pupils enjoy school and attend regularly.
Leaders effectively utilize progress data to ensure all pupils achieve well. The communication and interaction resource base for children with specific needs provides excellent support, enabling significant progress. The inspection team observed 21 lessons and discussions with various stakeholders, including governors, staff, and pupils, to assess the school's performance.
Newport Community School Primary Academy is larger than the average primary school, with a diverse student body. The proportion of pupils from minority ethnic groups is below average, and the number of disadvantaged pupils is also lower than the national average. The school meets the government's floor standards for attainment and progress in English and mathematics.
To further improve, the school should ensure that parents are fully informed about the homework policy to enhance understanding of its purpose and expectations. The leadership and management are outstanding, creating a calm and purposeful atmosphere conducive to excellent teaching. The headteacher and governors prioritize high-quality education, resulting in improved teaching standards and high behaviour expectations.
The school has effective systems for monitoring pupil progress, quickly identifying any underperformance. Safeguarding arrangements meet statutory requirements, ensuring pupils are safe and treated equally. The leadership of the communication and interaction resource base is excellent, leading to rapid progress for attending pupils. The curriculum is broad and exciting, with strong music provision and opportunities for pupils to engage in various subjects.
Pupils' spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development is robust, with international links enhancing their understanding of the world. The school has received recognition for its efforts in promoting cultural understanding. The governance of the school is strong, with governors actively involved in strategic planning and performance management. They ensure effective use of funding, including the pupil premium and sports funding.
In summary, Newport Community School Primary Academy is an outstanding institution that excels in providing a high-quality education, fostering a supportive environment, and ensuring the safety and well-being of its pupils. The school is well-positioned for continued success and improvement.