Ofsted conducted a monitoring inspection of Hewens College on April 18, 2024, following two successive judgments of requires improvement. The purpose of this inspection was to assess the progress made by the school since its last graded inspection, rather than to provide an overall effectiveness grade. The inspection involved discussions with the principal, senior leaders, the chief executive officer of the trust, and curriculum leaders across various subjects. The inspector also met with students, including those in leadership roles, to gather a comprehensive view of the school's current status.
The findings indicate that while progress has been made, further work is necessary for the school to achieve a good rating. The inspection highlighted that leaders have developed middle leadership capacity, which has strengthened the pastoral team and support for reading. The principal, who was appointed shortly before the last inspection, has begun to implement a vision for school improvement. Significant changes have been made to the curriculum, particularly at key stage 3, where it was previously deemed not broad and ambitious. Leaders have now ensured that the curriculum focuses on essential knowledge that students need to learn, and the number of subjects offered in Year 9 has been expanded to include all national curriculum subjects.
The school has also invested in a program to support weaker readers, ensuring they receive the necessary help to improve their reading accuracy. Plans are in place to provide tailored support to enhance reading fluency and confidence. Additionally, initiatives have been introduced to foster a love of reading, including the development of a new library.
The leadership team has prioritized key areas for improvement and has made systematic changes to embed these priorities within the school culture. Staff wellbeing and workload have been carefully managed during this transition, and there is a sense of collective ownership among staff regarding the positive changes taking place. The trust has provided essential support and developmental opportunities to facilitate the improvement process.
One of the significant areas of focus has been the development of the school's culture. Previous inspections noted that low-level disruption was sometimes tolerated, which affected learning. The introduction of the Hewens spirit has fostered a positive culture, with clear expectations communicated to all members of the school community. During this inspection, no low-level disruption was observed, and students reported positively about behavior in lessons and throughout the school.
Furthermore, the school has established a comprehensive careers program, addressing previous concerns about inconsistent access to careers advice for older students. The new program ensures that all students receive thorough guidance and support regarding their future pathways.
In conclusion, while Hewens College has made notable strides in its improvement journey, there remains a need for continued focus on specific areas, particularly in ensuring that teaching strategies effectively check students' understanding and address misconceptions. The commitment from leadership, staff, and the trust is evident, and with ongoing efforts, the school is on a path toward achieving a good rating in future inspections.