The Academy, Selsey is a secondary comprehensive school located in West Sussex, which has shown significant improvement since its last inspection. The school has transitioned from requiring improvement to achieving a good rating across all areas, including leadership and management, teaching quality, personal development, behavior, and pupil outcomes. The headteacher and senior leadership team have established a clear vision that emphasizes the importance of each pupil becoming the best version of themselves. This vision is well-supported by staff, parents, and pupils, contributing to a positive school culture where standards are rising.
The leadership team has effectively implemented strategies that have led to a rapid increase in pupil outcomes across various subjects. However, there remains a need to accelerate the progress of disadvantaged pupils, as their improvement has not been as swift. The curriculum is well-designed to meet the needs of pupils, providing a balanced approach that supports their future educational and career aspirations. The quality of teaching has improved significantly, with teachers demonstrating strong subject knowledge and effectively engaging pupils in their learning. This has resulted in pupils developing resilience and confidence in their abilities.
The school has successfully managed the transition to new buildings after the previous facilities were destroyed by fire. Leaders have maintained high standards of behavior and conduct, fostering an environment where pupils feel safe and valued. The strong culture of safeguarding is evident, with pupils expressing confidence in the support available to them. Parents and the community have shown strong support for the school, highlighting the positive changes and improvements made.
Governance at the school is robust, with governors actively involved in supporting and challenging the leadership team. They have a clear understanding of the school's strengths and areas for development, although there is a need for more precise evaluation of the impact of spending, particularly regarding the pupil premium. The school has made commendable progress in promoting pupils' personal development and welfare, with effective career guidance and opportunities for student leadership that help build confidence and skills.
Pupils' behavior is generally good, with a calm and respectful atmosphere throughout the school. Attendance has improved, although it remains above national averages, and efforts are ongoing to further enhance this aspect. The school has successfully implemented initiatives to support disadvantaged pupils, leading to significant gains in their overall achievement. The provision for the most able pupils has also been strengthened, ensuring they are challenged appropriately.
Overall, The Academy, Selsey has made substantial strides in improving educational outcomes and fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for all pupils. The commitment of the leadership team, staff, and governors to continuous improvement is evident, and the school is well-positioned to build on its successes in the future. The positive feedback from parents and the community reflects the school's growing reputation and the pride felt by all stakeholders in the achievements made.