Parbold Douglas Church of England Academy, located in Lancashire, has recently undergone its first inspection since becoming an academy. The inspection, conducted by Ofsted on November 21 and 22, 2023, resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of outstanding across all evaluated areas, including the quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The headteacher, John Coxhead, leads a dedicated team within the Parbold Douglas Church of England Academy Trust, which is overseen by a board of trustees chaired by Grant Carruthers.
The school fosters a nurturing environment where pupils thrive and feel happy. Strong relationships between staff and students contribute to a culture of support and encouragement, allowing pupils to excel in their learning. The school is committed to ensuring that every pupil succeeds, promoting curiosity and a love for knowledge. This commitment is reflected in the high achievement levels across the curriculum, including for those with special educational needs and disabilities. Pupils are exceptionally well-prepared for the next stages of their education.
Behavior at the school is exemplary, with pupils demonstrating kindness and care from an early age. As they progress through the school, they develop confidence and articulate their thoughts effectively. Recognition through awards such as star of the week and golden broom motivates pupils to maintain positive attitudes towards school life. The school actively listens to pupils' views and ideas, allowing them to take pride in their contributions both within the school and the wider community. Initiatives led by older pupils, such as charity campaigns and environmental projects, highlight their commitment to making a difference.
Leadership is a significant strength of the school, with trustees and governors working closely to establish a clear strategic vision. The school continually seeks to enhance its already exceptional offerings. The curriculum is ambitious and thoughtfully designed to engage pupils, ensuring a focus on essential knowledge and vocabulary in each subject. The school effectively addresses the needs of pupils with additional requirements, ensuring they have equal access to the curriculum.
Reading is prioritized, with a strong emphasis on developing a love for literature from the early years. Staff utilize high-quality texts to spark interest and imagination, and older pupils engage in activities such as reciting poetry. The phonics program is delivered with fidelity, and additional support is provided to those who need it, enabling all pupils to become confident readers.
Subject leaders play a crucial role in developing teachers' practices and expertise, providing high-quality curriculum materials and resources. Teachers ensure that pupils master foundational knowledge before progressing to more complex concepts, allowing for a deep understanding across subjects. This approach results in exceptional achievement for all pupils.
Pupils exhibit impeccable behavior and demonstrate care for one another. The stimulating learning environment in early years fosters focus and engagement, while older pupils show resilience in overcoming challenges. The school emphasizes the importance of mental health and well-being, offering a rich array of extracurricular activities that allow pupils to explore new interests and talents.
Pupils develop a mature understanding of diversity, equity, and British values, learning in an environment that promotes respect for all. Staff express pride in their work and appreciate the school's consideration of their well-being and workload. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. Overall, Parbold Douglas Church of England Academy exemplifies excellence in education, providing a supportive and enriching experience for its pupils.